Saturday, August 09, 2008

August 9th - Let's Play!

Theme of the Day
There will be bumps in the road.

Readings of the Day
2 Corinthians 10-For it is not those who commend themselves that are approved, but those whom the Lord commends.
2 Kings 23.35-24.20-Indeed, Jerusalem and Judah so angered the LORD that he expelled them from his presence.
Habakkuk 1-Why do you make me see wrongdoing and look at trouble?
Psalm 85.8-13-Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will kiss each other.

God's Word of the Day
When you reach a bump in the road, deal with it through Me. Don't anger me and turn away. I will expel you from my presence. Rather turn to me and I will run to you with steadfast love, faithfulness, righteousness and peace.

Story of the Day
We drove up to a tree that completely blocked the road. We had been on this road for some time without a turn off or even a turn around present. Surely we would be late to the retreat now. Looking on either side of the tree, there was no way to move a vehicle around. We either had to move the tree, or go back and find another approach to the retreat site. But I wasn't even sure if there was another way in.

Surely other's had come up to this roadblock. It didn't appear as though any one else had seen this in the past. So we were either the first to see this tree blocking the way and the first to get out and try and do anything about it. So after talking it over with the group we decided to move the limb from the road.

We worked first on the small branches, trying to reduce the overall weight of the limb. After about an hour the only thing left was the huge core of wood. Slowly pushing one end with the bumper of the car and a couple of people holding a rock as a fulcrum or pivot we were able to move the wood so that the brand was parallel to the road and gave enough clearance for one vehicle to pass on one side.

As we arrived at the retreat, we found we were the first to get there. Then the others came and told us how lucky they felt that they even got by this tree limb in the road. It was a wonderful reunion of friends that evening.

Prayer of the Day
Lord, as my journey in life points towards Your face, may the roadblocks not cause me to turn away from You. May I hear Your voice in times of trouble and keep my approach facing You. May I go to work on the roadblocks and not turn from You but keep Your face in my sight. For I know of a sure reunion You have in store. Send the Savior to my side that I may walk in Your way and see Your Light and know of a hope to come in You where we will kiss in steadfast love and righteousness and faithfulness will be fulfilled and see Your glory. ---Amen

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