Tuesday, August 05, 2008

August 5th - Let's Play!

Theme of the Day

Readings of the Day
2 Corinthians 5.11-6.13-And he died for all, so that those who live might live no longer for themselves, but for him who died and was raised for them.
2 Kings 18-He did what was right in the sight of the LORD just as his ancestor David had done.
Micah 7-A day for building of your walls! In that day the boundary shall be far extended.
Deuteronomy 26.1-15-...you shall take some of the first fruit of the ground, which you harvest from the land that the LORD your God is giving you, and you shall put it in a basket and go to the place that the LORD your God will choose as a dwelling for his name.

God's Word of the Day
Do what is right before Me. I guide you to truth and love.

Story of the Day
Time had stood still it seemed. Every time I looked at my watch the world appeared to stop. I could see everything just as it was at that moment in time. I would look up and everything had come to a stop. Then, when I began to move, everyone else began to move. It was really weird when this happened. I didn't understand why it was happening. But it happened time after time. When I glanced at my watch the world would stop. Everyone would freeze in position. I found that in that freezing of position I was able to look around me. I could see people about to begin an argument, I could see people about to rob a store, I could see people about to hug, I could see people in the act of kissing. I saw people freeze in so many different ways. It was life frozen in a moment of time. In those frozen moments, I began to reflect on the actions that people take. Why do we do what we do? Some people are blessed and happy, other people are anxious and mad. What could I do to join the group of blessed and happy? How could I change in those unfrozen moments so that in the frozen moments I would have happiness? It seemed as if the frozen happy people were aware of the present time. They were aware of the blessings in life. They were happy with the now. They knew that a future was secure through their Savior. So I went to the happy people and began to talk to them. I found in them an assurance of hope seen in a Savior. I heard of an appreciation of the promised land to come in their life in which they felt secure. Secure not of their own doing, but secure in the doing of Jesus on the cross years ago. Secure, frozen in time and secure while time moves them to act in love. Act in love and pleasing in the sight of the Lord. Kind of like David was pleasing. No, David was not sinless, but he had hope in the Lord. That day was so much fun. Looking at my watch and seeing time and people freeze. Then back to action. I changed that day. I changed in hopes that if frozen or active, I would live in the hope of salvation from Jesus.

Prayer of the Day
Lord, give me those times that I need to freeze and look around. Let me see Your Light. Let me see Your salvation. Let me see Your blessings. Let me freeze in time and offer You all praise and glory. Now, frozen in time and today and tomorrow and forever throughout all time, You are my God and hope and Savior. ---Amen

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