Wednesday, February 22, 2006

February 22nd People Reflection

Wednesday 2/22/2006

Matthew 4-It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God’s mouth.

Exodus 25-27-Arrange the lamps so they throw their light out in front.

Proverbs 12-A good person survives misfortune

Psalm 50.1-6-Our God approaches, but not silently

Matthew 15.21-28-Dear woman, you really do have a lot of faith, and you will be given what you want.

Psalm 116-You are kind, LORD, so good and merciful.

"We need some space to move things around."- We are moving out of a spot at work- but to move out – you need space to organize- a set down area of sorts- to make space you need space – with Jesus – he tells the devil that it takes more than bread to stay alive- it takes a steady stream of God’s words- today I need to hear a steady stream of his Word- of Jesus the Word- in and through scripture and however God chooses to speak this day- and in that stream of Word- God’s light shines out in front- just like the lamps in the temple- I need to let Jesus light shine out of my temple- my body- the body God gave to shine his light through in my world this day- I also need to look and listen for God’s Word each day- a Word that will not approach silently- a Word that will make itself known- in various ways- through others and through the written word- I can hear God’s Word- and in hearing and seeing this Word day after day- God gives and builds faith, trust and hope- God is so merciful and loving in his Word—"We need some space to move things around." – and yea- I need some space and time to seek and listen to the Word.

Prayer-Open your Word to me today Lord and let me hear and see and do. -- Amen

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