Wednesday, February 01, 2006

February 1st People Reflection

Wednesday 2/1/2006

Luke 23.1-25-He released the man thrown in prison for rioting and murder, and gave them Jesus to do whatever they wanted.

Genesis 41-So Pharaoh commissioned Joseph.

Psalm 32-Count yourself lucky, how happy you must be- you get a fresh start, your slate’s wiped clean.

1 Esdras 2.5b-15-All the vessels were handed over and carried back to Jerusalem

Psalm 147.1-11, 20c-He renews our hopes and heals our bodies.

James 1.1-5-My friends, be glad, even if you have a lot of trouble.

Psalm 1-The LORD protects everyone who follows him…

"Will you make me some coffee in the morning?" – Sure- I can do that right before I leave for work. It saves the other person a little time-plus it meets a need- a pleasure in this case. God plans ahead too I see- Joseph was in prison- forgotten- but God had a plan for Joseph- to be used in Egypt- to be brought out of prison and rescue a world that would be in famine- to gather his chosen people in Egypt- well the plan goes way on from there- and then again- what was God’s plan for Barabbas? In our hurry to have Jesus crucified-Barabbas was released from prison also- I wonder what happened to the rest of his life. I’m like Barabbas- Jesus death freed me from the prison of sin- and in the freedom – just like Joseph when Pharaoh commissioned Joseph for a government job- God commissioned me through my baptism for ministry- Now I can count myself happy- I get a fresh start. Through the grace of Jesus death and resurrection my slate’s wiped clean. God has brought me back to his temple- placed me in his presence. Yea- God rescues over and over. He returned the exiles from Babylon to Jerusalem. Vessels were returned. Once again-people brought out of prison to freedom. In illness God heals us- heals us beyond our physical well being and heals us with a spiritual healing that lasts forever. Knowing that I have a God this loving I can be glad. Even in the midst of the troubles of this life. I know I have a God that will protect me. I will gladly follow him. "Will you make me some coffee in the morning?" – A little plan ahead – Sure! I’d be glad to!

Prayer-Lord, Thank you for planning something special just for me this day. -- Amen

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