Friday, May 12, 2006

May 12th People Reflection

Friday 5/12/2006

Acts 20.17-38-The pain cut deep.

Judges 14-15-And then the Spirit of GOD came on him with great power.

Job 42-I’m sorry—forgive me. I’ll never do that again, I promise!

2 Esdras 15.20-27-For God knows all who sin against him…

Acts 8.26-40-Do you understand what you are reading?

Esslesiastes 3.1-14-God makes everything happen at the right time.

Psalm 75-But I will always tell about you, the God of Jacob, and I will sing your praise.

"I need you to go to this meeting for me." – A request from a friend. Something important came up. So I stop what I’m doing and go. Respond to the need. Maybe due to a deep pain. Maybe due to an emergency. Paul had to move on in his ministry. Move on to Jerusalem. The pain of his leaving cut deep. Sometimes God asks me to do things that bring pain on others. I must follow his call. Trusting that the Spirit will provide all people the strength needed. God has done this in the past. Look at how God provided Samson the strength he needed in his wild life. Even through my sin God provides for what I need. Forgiveness when I wrong him- restoration and salvation. God provides someone to help me hear his voice and his Word. Like Philip—just out of the blue- get up and go—Philip must have wondered- then he showed the eunuch the path to salvation through Jesus. God made and still makes it all happen at the right time. And in this I will always tell about God and sing his praise forever. "I need you to go to this meeting for me." – OK- Lord – I hear your call and trust in you.

Prayer- Lord-send someone to help me understand and show me where to go this day- I’m ready-- Amen

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