Thursday, May 04, 2006

May 4th People Reflection

Thursday 5/4/2006

Acts 16.1-15-We hesitated, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Judges 2-3-He’s probably relieving himself in the restroom. They waited, And then they worried—no one was coming out of those locked doors.

Job 34-and see what you think of this

2 Esdras 14.19-22-send the holy spirit into me and I will write everything that has happened in the world from the beginning

Psalm 23-You, LORD, are my shepherd. I will never be in need.

Ephesians 6.10-18-Let the truth be like a belt around your waist, and let God’s justice protect you like armor.

Psalm 86-Make me strong and save me.

"What’s the difference between the white and the yellow lines?" – Steph and a drivers ed question that had me stumped really. She knew the answer though and told me. The early Christians went from town to town preaching the gospel. They were offered hospitality – at first they hesitated. But the hostess wouldn’t take no for an answer. She knew the answer was yes – and that was the way it was going to be. The story in Judges about Ehud stabbing Eglon then leaving him in the restroom. I guess the kings followers thought he fell in. He wasn’t coming out. Well he was dead! Stabbed to death in the fat of his gut that the knife was stuck in there. They didn’t know the answer – but Ehud did. He had rescued Israel and the battle was about to begin. Job trying to figure out what the deal was- why was he being persecuted. All his friends thought they knew the answer. Only God knew. In Esdras the wish is to record it all from the beginning. What’s the answer? We always want to know. But I will never know all the answers. And I kinda like it that way. Because by not knowing all the answers I must trust in God to lead and guide me. To provide for all my needs. I must trust in God to protect me with the armor that only he knows I will need to continue. I must trust in God to make me strong and save me. I must follow like that sheep – and depend on God my shepherd and I will never be in need. So "What’s the difference between the white and the yellow lines?" – I think it just might be to trust God with all my needs.

Prayer-Lord, I look to you and trust in you. -- Amen

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