Friday, May 19, 2006

May 19th People Reflection

Friday 5/19/2006

Acts 26.1-18-I have a job for you.

Ruth 3-4-Maybe it’s time to make our move.

Psalm 48-Then you can tell the next generation, detail by detail the story of God, Our God forever, who guides us till the end of time.

2 Esdras 16.18-34-yet for all this they will not turn from their iniquities…

Acts 10.44-48-…the Holy Spirit took control of everyone who was listening.

2 Samuel 12.15-23-Someday I will join him in death…

Psalm 130-I trust your promises.

"Don’t you think this one looks appealing?" – A sign advertising an event. A picture painted with feeling and emotion and fun. She was happy that this was her job. She had a job she enjoyed. When we do what we enjoy-when we do what God calls us to do we are willing and happy to make our move. Ruth had hope for a kinsman redeemer. Hope in the future and it was time to make her move. Time to go for it out of joy. Sure she could have been disappointed—but there was hope involved. So make the move. In making the move and following God’s direction; God creates a live story in us. A story to be told to the next generation of how God is alive and active in my life and the life of those I’m with. God alive and active through failed human flesh-changing something flawed into something good. Letting the Holy Spirit take control- if only I listen—I will follow even to death. With God in my life I have trust, hope and love for all he promises. "Don’t you think this one looks appealing?" – Looks great to me!

Lord, I’m listening and ready to follow. Use me this day for whatever exciting plan you have. -- Amen

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