Monday, May 22, 2006

May 22nd People Reflection

Monday 5/22/2006

Acts 27.13-44-Last night God’s angel stood at my side, an angel of this God I serve, saying to me. "Don’t give up…"

1 Samuel 3-Speak, GOD. I’m your servant, ready to listen.

Psalm 51-Generous in love—God, give grace! Huge in mercy—wipe out my bad record. Scrub away my guilt, soak out my sins in your laundry. I know how bad I’ve bee; my sins are staring me down.

2 Esdras 16.53-67-You shall be put to shame when your sins come out before others, and your own iniquities shall stand as your accusers on that day.

Ephesians 1.15-23-The Spirit will make you wise and let you understand what it means to know God.

John 15.18-27-The Spirit will help you and will tell you about me.

Psalm 9-I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart and tell about the wonders you have worked.

"May the Body and Blood of Christ transform you."- Communion- transformation. –Confession-Forgiveness-Connection to God—Lives transformed-Saul-David- so many people – lives transformed by the power of the Spirit- Sinful, fallen people- Transformed and recreated by God- Hear the angel – Don’t give up- God is with me- Speak God I’m ready to listen- Lives transformed- Generous in love God gives grace and huge mercy to wipe out my bad record – to scrub away my guilt- lives transformed- washed clean- lives transformed- The Spirit will make me wise- lives transformed- the Spirit will let me understand – lives transformed- the Spirit will tell me about Jesus –lives transformed- and I will praise God with all my heart- lives transformed- "May the Body and Blood of Christ transform you."

Transform me through the action of your Spirit - Amen

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