Monday, May 08, 2006

May 8th People Reflection

Monday 5/8/2006

Acts 18-as he brought out proof after convincing proof from the Scriptures that Jesus was in fact God’s Messiah.

Judges 9-Now listen…

Job 38-"And have you ever ordered Morning, ‘Get up!’ told Dawn, ‘Get to work!’

Colossians 3.18-4.18-Never give up praying.

Acts 9.19b-25-Everyone who heard Saul was amazed and said, "Isn’t this the man who caused so much trouble for those people in Jerusalem who worship in the name of Jesus?

Psalm 70-Let your worshipers celebrate and be glad because of you.

"Empowered, Engaged, Excited…" – "E" words were the topic of the sermon. People sent to minister to show and be Christ in the world. To those in need physically and spiritually. Plain ol people. Sinners- but people bearing the power of the Spirit and have Christ in their lives. Proof of Jesus life – alive in the world today- giving, loving people- Now listen- Who tell the Morning ‘Get up!’ --- Get to work! – God of course- listen- pray – listen- Another "E" word – Everyone – everyone is involved – all the people- even Saul- one who was persecuting and killing Christians- now involved – "E" words- Let your worshipers celebrate and be glad because of you. "Empowered, Engaged, Excited…" – Everyone!

Prayer- Lord, use me this day along with everyone else you choose! -- Amen

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