Monday, May 29, 2006

May 29th People Reflection

Monday 5/29/2006

Romans 4-But the story we’re given is a God-story, not an Abraham story…He trusted God to set him right instead of trying to be right on his own.

1 Samuel 13-What on earth are you doing?

Psalm 58-Is this any way to run a country?

1 Samuel 2.1-10-We cannot win a victory by our own strength.

Proverbs 14.26-35-It’s smart to be patient…

Psalm 15-Who may stay in God’s temple or live on the holy mountain of the LORD?

"I always give the keys to the person with me."- Trying to find some lost keys- trying to re-trace steps- trying to remember…it’s hard at times to remember details. Human memory fails- but God has perfect memory- so that makes it all the more magnificent when I think about how God chooses to forget my sins- chooses to forgive and forget- I can’t do that- I forgive yet still remember. I still remember my sin. I still remember the stench of it. But my story is not God’s story. The story is really a God story not a Bill story. I’m a part of God’s story- God is a part of my story sure but only in the context of his larger story. So the things I do- the sins I commit- just like the sin of Adam and Eve play into God’s story. The story of salvation. It’s not about how I run my life but about how God runs my life. Will I follow him? Will I hear his voice? Will I choose to leave his story for my own? Will I forget about God? I must see that it’s not about my strength that saves me but about the strength of God that saves me. I must trust in God and be patient and loyal and serving. "I always give the keys to the person with me." – I think I did---Did I?

Lord, I give you the keys of my life- I trust in you and you alone to guide me and take me in the direction you choose. I’m ready to go when you are. -- Amen

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