Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 15th - Let's Play!

Theme of the Day
Neglect can lead to emergencies.

Readings of the Day
1 Corinthians 3-God gives the growth.
1 Kings 15.33-16.34-A succession of bad kings in Israel, leading people away from God.
Joel 3-The day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.
Deuteronomy 28.1-14-Obey God and you will be blessed.

God's Word of the Day
Turn to Me and receive My blessing. Turn to Me.

Story of the Day
He was stubborn that day. The day that the boy decided to go with his friends to the river. His sister had told him how dangerous the river could be. It wasn't a place to play like these boys had decided to play. But he was stubborn that day. And they went to the river. They went to walk along the dam. They went to dare one another and challenge each other's manhood. Or so they thought it was manhood. Then they decided to walk into the river holding onto a rope. Once they reached a patch of land in the middle of the river. They had a blast taking turns holding the rope and letting one person jump in and the current carry them downstream. Then going back they all fell. All five boys, rope and all started downstream. All of the boys were pulled under at one point or another. Luckily something happened that they all caught a shallow point in the river and came to the shore and safety. Each boy knew how lucky they were. Each one knew they would have to tell the sister that she was right. The river is dangerous when you treat it lightly. Each boy had a story to tell and a warning to proclaim.

Prayer of the Day
Lord, as I go through life and do those things that I know I shouldn't do, let me hear Your voice loud and clear. Lead me in Your Truth. Lead me in Your Way. Let the adventures I take in this life be with You by my side and not the foolish wanderings of my own. I turn to You now to listen and follow You. ---Amen

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