Theme of the Day
It's at the heart that Life begins.
Readings of the Day
Mark 15.1-20-Jesus is put at the center of the crowd and the crowd shouted to crucify Him. Then he is put in the center of the courtyard and the soldiers mocked and stripped and beat Him and crowned Him with a crown of thorns as King of the Jews.
1 Kings 10-Solomon is the center of attention to the queen of Sheba and surrounding countries due to wealth and wisdom, blessings from God.
Hosea 11.12-12.14-Return to God and hold fast to love and justice. Wait continually for God.
John 13.1-17-Jesus washed the feet of the disciples. We are to wash each others feet in response to the living, humble act of Jesus.
God's Word of the Day
I AM at the heart of it all. I AM where Life begins. I AM!
Story of the Day
It was supposed to be a birthday celebration. But just as the party began and the birthday song was being sung, the birthday boy ran out and upstairs to his room crying. All the attention must have been too much. All of the celebration must have been to embarrassing for this young man. So the birthday party was ruined. The children present went on with the cake, the games and the celebration with out the birthday boy present.
Up in his room the boy thought about what a goof he must be. He thought about why he ran out. He was embarrassed to be downstairs at the party, but now even more embarrassed that he had cried in front of his friends and run out. How does he go back now? So he hid in his room and thought. Thought about what it's like to be the center of attention. He prayed to God for an answer. But the only thing he heard was that he needed to make God the center of all attention. Then the young man could see the loving response of his friends as a gift from God. God was the center of attention and was working in and through his friends to bless him with love. Knowing God was the real center of attention, the boy was free to return to the party. So he returned and all of his friends didn't even care that he had run off. His friends were just happy that he was back and the party could go on with his presence.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, sometimes it's awkward when I'm the center of attention. But I know that You are the real center of attention. You center Your Love in the center of my heart. I focus all of my attention on You. When You were the center of attention You took of the pain of rejection and the pain of a cruel death all for me. You became the center of attention in my place. You took on my sin and centered Yourself right in the middle of the punishment I deserved. You became the center of attention and washed feet. Thank You! From my heart...thank You! Now I humbly go to wash the feet of my friends, with You at the center of my attention. ---Amen
Prayer of the Day
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