Wednesday, May 18, 2005

May 18th Reflection

Wednesday 5/18/2005

Acts 25 - Paul is brought up again for trial but no one can bring any charges against him - the Jewish leaders just want to get rid of him - so Paul appeals to go to Rome to be tried- well they have a situation where the officials don’t really want to send Paul to Rome without any charges against him- so they seek to clarify what the charges really are-- the argument is a religious one- about laws and some dead man named Jesus- according to the government- it all sounds silly--and it is silly- Paul claims the Jesus who died now lives and fulfills the Jewish law- silly to those who don’t believe- but salvation to those who do!--how do you have a trial over that?!

Ruth 1-2 - Whoa- I see Jesus all over this one this time for some reason- Naomi and Ruth- lose their husbands- all the men die- Ruth is a Moabite-not an Israelite- after a famine - Naomi decides it’s time to go back to Israel- Ruth is loyal to her Mother-in-law and goes with her-- they go to Bethlehem -- which means “house of bread”-- Communion- Jesus - bread of life born here- “house of bread”- they are at the bottom of their lives- basically dead in a sense-- remember Ruth is a Moabite- an outsider to the Chosen People- just like I’m an outside- a Gentile- but she is allowed to glean the fields of Boaz -his name means “strength”-- Boaz lets Ruth gather grain easily- grain for life giving bread- gather it just like a gift- she really didn’t have to work for it- just pick it up - Jesus is my gift- just pick it up- take and eat--so and outsider- Ruth is given life through the “bread” -- in a city where Jesus will be born and give us the bread of life and salvation is born in the flesh -- take and eat- hmmmmmmm

Psalm 47 - Clap your hands and shout joyful praises to God- God is ruler of all the earth!

The Holy Spirit brings speech to ordinary people. Go! Tell about Jesus saving grace.

Keep my words and conduct pure and honorable.

2 Timothy 2.14-16 - Don’t wrangle over words

1 Corinthians 3.10-17 - May I build my temple on the foundation of Jesus- all life long- and I pray the Spirit inhabits that temple

Psalm 84 - How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD of hosts!- My soul longs, indeed it faints for the courts of the LORD-for a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere-upper room

Prayer- Lord- I’m willing to tell the world of a happy silly thing you have done- you have given us all life- you are the bread of life- available for anyone to glean- don’t have to be an Israelite either- just pick it up - there it is - take and eat- pick up that gift of salvation you lay before me- every day - there it is- just like the manna in the desert - pick it up - take and eat- Thanks be to God! -- Amen

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