Sunday, November 27, 2005

November 27th People Reflection

Sunday 11/27/2005

Galatians 2-I have died, but Christ lives in me. And I now live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave his life for me.

Jeremiah 49-50-shout so all the nations can hear

Psalm 143-Each morning let me learn more about your love because I trust you. I come to you in prayer, asking for your guidance.

Mark 13.24-37Then they will see ‘the Son of Man coming in clouds’ with great power and glory

Hebrews 13.7-16-Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Psalm 136.1-9, 23-26-O give thanks to the God of heaven

"Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9." Jake telling a joke last night on the way out to eat. .Maybe I am 7 and Christ is 9- Before I may have been 6 – but then I died and became 7- now I live by faith in 9 who loved me and gave his life for me—and this is something to be shouted for all the nations to hear!- Praise 9! – Each morning I can learn more and more about the love of 9 – each morning I can ask 9 to lead and guide me in life- and 9 will – because 9 is always with me- I am in 9 and 9 is in me- 9 stays the same throughout all time- yesterday- today and forever- and some day 9 will fulfill the Kingdom and return in glory in the clouds—I guess that would be cloud 9 – and I will now and always give thanks to 9 the God of heaven.—"Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9." Thanks be to God!

Prayer- I give thanks to the God of heaven! 9—make some 6’s into 7’s this day.-- Amen

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