Saturday, November 05, 2005

November 2nd - 4th People Reflections

Wednesday 11/2/2005

1 Timothy 4- We have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of everyone

Isaiah 38-39-You are going to die, and so you better start doing what need to be done.

Psalm 119.121-144-I honestly want to know everything you teach.

Psalm 34.1-10, 22-I sought the LORD, and he answered me

Luke 12.22-32-strive for his kingdom…it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom

Psalm 72-Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, who alone does wondrous things.

"How ya feelin?"- A friend, noticing how I was down a little. A friend seeing my struggle. God notices these things even before they occur- he is aware of my struggles and he is the one who gives the hope- hope for everyone. Then he cares enough to teach me through the struggle- teach me of a Savior who loves and cares for all his creation. A God who answers when sought. A Savior who’s pleasure is to give me the kingdom- give it- even though I don’t deserve it- A God who has rescued his people throughout time and done wondrous things. Just take notice of God throughout all time- Give thanks—Yea- I’m going to die- so I better get some things done for my God now – while he has gifted me with the ability to serve him. "How ya feelin?"- Body may not be all that hot- but I can still put it to work for the most precious person in my life.

Prayer- Lord-when I’m feelin rough- show me the blessings right before my eyes. -- Amen

Thursday 11/3/2005

1 Timothy 5.1-20-Encourage….

Jeremiah 1-2-Jeremiah, I am your Creator, and before you were born, I chose you to speak for me to the nations.

Psalm 119.145-176-You are my only hope for being saved, LORD

Amos 5.18-24-let justice roll down like water, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream

Revelation 14.1-3-And I heard a voice from heaven like the sound of many waters

Psalm 96-sing to the LORD, all the earth

"You’re going to have to find a different disease."—Dr. Murphy—as I complain about something he is about to do to me- I hate that part! – anyway- we both know what the problem is- it’s just the waiting for more testing and then the treatment- so a little encouragement while waiting- hang in there for a while- Jeremiah needed some encouragement too- and God revealed to him that he was chosen before he was even born- God uses us- God has a plan for me and each person- and in that plan is my opportunity to accept his gift of salvation- a just salvation that flows from an ever-flowing stream- he will be the voice from heaven in the sound of those baptismal- grace filled water- will I stop to hear his voice and relive my baptism each day?- I plan on in- How can I help not to- God’s grace and love causes me to sing to him in all the earth- "You’re going to have to find a different disease."- Well—I think I’ll let God take care of all that anyway- oh—I’ll do my part best I can- but I know of a plan that was put in place even before I was born—and all that disease is solved in the end so to speak.

Prayer- Lord, thank you for some humor in your plan—solve my disease- "in the end" – Now I know what Luther was talking about- I’ll send the last picture home.-- Amen

Friday 11/4/2005

1 Timothy 5.21-6.21-So we should be satisfied just to have food and clothes

Jeremiah 3-4-get rid of those disgusting idols

Psalm 120-Whien I am in trouble, I pray, "Come and save me…

1 Thessalonians 4.13-18-and so we will be with the Lord forever

Matthew 28.18-20-And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Psalm 117-for great is his steadfast love toward us

"Come on in Brother Bill." – A friend happy for a visit. Happy for any visit really- overjoyed- set off into some frantic conversation which didn’t make a whole bunch of sense- but really didn’t matter- just the visit mattered- not the conversation- satisfied with the visit- I need to be satisfied with just food and clothes- all the other stuff is just stuff- and that other stuff- is what turns into disgusting idols anyway- so just have a simple satisfaction- and when I’m in trouble for anything else- pray- God will save me- God is always with me anyway- even to the end of the age- showing his steadfast love. – "Come on in Brother Bill."- Be present here Lord Jesus to the end of the age- that’s all I need anyway.

Prayer- Come on in Lord- you alone satisfy -- Amen

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