Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 17th - Let's Play!

Theme of the Day
Back to work on continued healing and love for one another.

Readings of the Day
Mark 3.20-35-Your family are those who do the will of God.
2 Samuel 7-8-God is on the move with you and cannot be pinned down. He moves with you even in the battles.
Daniel 4-The king cannot be the center of the world. Only God can be at the center. The king is humbled then returned to rule.
1 Samuel 3.1-9-Listen and hear the call of God.

God's Word of the Day
After I bless you with rest, I will call you and send you out in relationship with me and others to love and heal.

Story of the Day
As I was moving across the sidewalk, I noticed all of the other ants that were working with me this day. It seemed there was a scurry of activity. All of us were on our own but in some other way all of us were united in a common home. I worked hard at finding bread crumbs and bringing them back to home. As I brought the food home, I realized that my family was indeed all of these people that I scurried next too in work. These fellow workers who had the same goal as my own were indeed my mother, brother and sisters. We were united in one great purpose. A purpose beyond our individual understanding and beyond our corporate understanding. We were united in a purpose beyond ourselves. Not one ant on their own could be the center of the universe. Not even the queen ranked this high. We were all humbled to do the hard work of gathering food and doing the work of community for each other and for the common good towards this great purpose set in place for all of us.

I soon began to realize that even as an ant, I had a Creator. One who could not be pinned down to some place or time. I had a Creator who moved with me, helping me in my day to day tasks as a working ant and blessing me with the ability to pull loads that were beyond imagination. Even as a lowly ant, I knew of a Creator that defined my being, defined my physical traits and gave me work to do. A Creator that placed me where I am this day and within this community to do His will. I know of a Creator that calls me, blesses me and sends me out in relationship to Him and to those around me. I know of a creator who loves me...even as an ant.

Prayer of the Day
Lord, You have blessed me with talents and work to do. You have blessed me with brothers and sisters united in Your will and way. Send me out this day to fulfill the purpose You have in mind for me. ---Amen

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