Sunday, June 08, 2008

June 8th- Let's Play!

Theme of the Day
Complete the work that has been given.

Readings of the Day
Romans 13-Awake from sleep, put on the armor of light, the Lord Jesus Christ, and go to work.
1 Samuel 25-Don't be foolish and too stubborn to care for the needs of another.
Psalm 68-God wins all battles.
Matthew 9.9-13, 18-26-Jesus seeks out close relationships with people.

God's Word of the Day
See the work I have given. Now go and touch the life of another with the Love I have placed in you.

Story of the Day
I cut down the tree and noticed after it had fallen to the ground the nest. Next to the nest were a couple of baby robins. One had died from the fall but another was still living. I'm not sure if there were any others. Swirling about were a couple of adult robins in a panic. I felt awful for not seeing the nest in the tree prior to cutting it down, but the damage was done. Now what? I had no clue as to what to do. So I picked up the robin and took her to my daughter. She would surely know what to do, since she always loved animals.

Well, my daughter admitted that she really didn't know what to do. But she immediately began to locate worms for the small robin. She set up a little nest of sorts and brought warmth to the nest. As the days passed by she continued to feed and care for this baby robin. Then one day it was time to turn the robin loose back to the care of nature and she did.

I often wondered what happened to this robin. I pondered how the adult robins felt having their youngsters die and leave abruptly. There were no easy answers. But what I did see was how my daughter, not really knowing what to do, acted in love to care for the robin she could care for. I noticed how my daughter boldly acted out her love for animals. Then I thought of a God that does the same for me when I'm in need. I thought of a God that springs to action in love even when some circumstances take place that He didn't cause. I pause and give thanks for an active loving daughter and an active loving God. I ponder how I should act the same.

Prayer of the Day
Lord, send me out into Your Kingdom this day to eat with the tax collectors and react in love to those that are ill and reaching out. To act in love to those that are mourning. To celebrate life with those who are celebrating. To be in loving relationship with all you give to me this day. ---Amen

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