Tuesday, June 03, 2008

June 3rd-Let's Play!

Theme of the Day
Work as though working for God, not man.

Readings of the Day
Romans 9.1-29-God is the creator and can do with the created as He chooses.
1 Samuel 17.55-18.30-Any success of yours can be attributed to the Lord being with you.
Psalm 63-Seek God. He is your one and only God.
Joshua 24.1-2, 11-28-Choose to serve the one and only God. See how He has blessed you.

God's Word of the Day
I have created you and all that exists. I make what I choose to make. Serve and work for Me.

Story of the Day
Once upon a time the Wind, the Rain, the Thunder, and the Earth came together to discuss who was the greatest. The Wind thought that she was because she was always mysterious. No one could ever predict and define her movements. The Rain declared that He was the greatest because without His nourishment all things would perish. The Thunder pronounced His awesome power because of the fear that creation has whenever he spoke. The Earth said surely she was the greatest because all things existed for her well being.

Then a voice from heaven declared that the Wind, the Rain, the Thunder and the Earth were all created by Him. The voice of the Lord explained that everything He created is good. That all He created He chooses to work in harmony with each other to glorify Him. The Lord declared His love for the Wind, the Rain, the Thunder and the Earth and blesses each of them abundantly. To the Wind, the Lord proclaimed, that her mystery was His secret power, and that He provided for her direction. To the Rain, the Lord said, that the water would be graciously combined with Word and Promise to bring mankind to be called "Children of God." To the Thunder, God said, that He would use His voice to show creation how to honor and fear the Lord. And to the Earth, God declared, that all He created in her was good and honorable and would bring blessing to all.

So the Wind, the Rain, the Thunder and the Earth all declared that from this time forward they would serve the Lord gladly and all their work would be a harmony of service to the greatest of all, the one and only God.

Prayer of the Day
Lord, as I wander into Your Kingdom this day, help me to realize the joy of working as though I am working for You. May my labor be a labor of joy to Your glory. ---Amen

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