Thursday, October 13, 2005

October 8th People Reflection

Saturday 10/8/2005

Revelation 8-The name of the star was Bitterness. It made one third of the water bitter, and many people died because the water was so bitter.

Nehemiah 11-How nice it must be to have your name recorded in the Bible.

Psalm 103-The LORD is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him.

Philippians 4.1-9-Dear brothers and sisters, I love you and long to see you.

Romans 1.8-17-It is through faith that a righteous person has life.

Psalm 50-Trust me in times of trouble, I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.

"You go ahead and go. I’ll be there around 8."—Instructions on a time to meet- go ahead- go alone- I’ll see you there a little later- maybe. It all sounds a little iffy if you ask me. Why not go together at the same time? – Is there something wrong? – A little doubt in the words- but still maybe a little hope- not sure- the passage from Revelation reminds me of some bitter water that the Israelites were mad with God about- but god gave Moses a hunk of wood to throw in the water and it made the water sweet to drink- but in Revelation- it’s kinda the opposite- a star from heaven made the water bitter- a light from above made the water bitter- bitter for those who have chosen to walk away from the God that could and did make some other water sweet with the wood of a cross- why the doubt? – why the iffyness of these people- turn to God- be baptized- see and accept the grace of the cross – the forgiveness of sin- and taste the sweet water of life through Jesus- through Jesus see your special name in his book- read the Word and see how God speaks directly to you- his loved one – a dear brother or sister in Christ- feel and experience the trust you can place in Jesus- the one present at all times- he won’t meet you at 8 – he will go with you through it all- he will be the one to go ahead of you and with you- and you will see and feel the presence of a compassionate father to you his child- "You go ahead and go. I’ll be there around 8." – ok—but this time I’m going with my friend Jesus- he will always be there.

Prayer- Lord, thank you for your presence in my life. -- Amen

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