Tuesday, April 11, 2006

April 11th People Reflection

Tuesday 4/11/2006

Acts 2.14-47-Change your life. Turn to God and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, so your sins are forgiven.

Deuteronomy 15-16-Believe me, GOD, your God, will bless you in everything you do.

Job 11-do you think you can explain the mystery of God?

2 Esdras 9.29-37-the law, however, does not perish but survives in its glory.

Isaiah 49.1-7-The LORD chose me and gave me a name before I was born.

Isaiah 53.4-He suffered and endured great pain for us…

Psalm 31.1-8-I celebrate and shut because you are kind. You saw all my suffering, and you cared for me.

"That’s it! Send the e-mail."- Discovering an error that caused charges to be applied to a wrong account. Send the e-mail to have the correction made. Change you life. Discover the error. See it. Feel it. Smell it and see how the correction was made through the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. Believe God and his blessings. See the correction in Jesus. Focus on that corrective love freely given. That love that transcends the changeless law into my heart and frees me. That love in Jesus that chooses me before my birth. See how Jesus suffered and endured great pain for me and my sin. Then change. Then really see it – feel it- blubber in your sin and the joy is that much more joyous- Celebrate and shout because God is so so kind in Jesus. God saw my suffering and cared and loved me. "That’s it! Send the e-mail."

Prayer- That’s it! – Jesus my Savior and King! -- Amen

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