Monday, April 10, 2006

April 9th People Reflections

Sunday 4/9/2006

Acts 1-Timing is the Father’s business. What you’ll get is the Holy Spirit.

Deuteronomy 11-12-Don’t eat the blood. Blood is life.

Job 9-We’ll never comprehend all the great things he does; his miracle surprises can’t be counted.

Mark 11.1-11-Hosanna in the highest!

Matthew 21.1-11-Hosanna in the highest!

Psalm 118.1-18-His love endures forever…The LORD has chastened me severely, but he has not given me over to death.

"I want to be closer to God."- Conversation with another person. Wanting to be closer to God. And yes getting closer. But probably not because they moved to God but God moved to them. Makes me think about today’s passages. Timing is the Father’s business. What you’ll get is the Holy Spirit. – Closer to God—Don’t eat the blood. Blood is life. – Jesus body and blood- the blood is the life- a huge change- a new command- take and eat- this is my body- take and drink- this is my blood- Closer to God- We can’t figure this out- it’s way beyond our understanding why God chooses to move to us rather than commanding us to come to him- but we come and he comes and we run to him- he runs to us and we praise his name- Hosanna in the highest- God’s love endures forever- even in the punishment of my sin- even through the punishment of my sins God show his love for me by sending Jesus into my life and into my very being- down deep inside- a mystery and a miracle. "I want to be closer to God."- Yea- a great desire and God wants to be closer to me- a match made in heaven. – Thanks be to God!

Prayer- Lord – I want to be closer to you! – Amen

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