Wednesday, April 05, 2006

April 5th People Reflection

Wednesday 4/5/2006

Matthew 26.47-75-Friend, why this charade?

Deuteronomy 3-4-Know this well, then, Take it to heart right now: GOD is in Heaven above; GOD is on Earth below. He’s the only God there is.

Job 5-the same hand that hurts you, heals you.

2 Esdras 8.37-62a-and yet not all that have been sown will come up in due season, and not all that were planted will take root; so also those who have been sown in the world will not all be saved.

Psalm 31.9-16-I am completely forgotten like someone dead.

Hebrews 5.7-9-but still he had to suffer before he could learn what it really means to obey God.

Psalm 2-But he blesses and protects everyone who runs to him.

"None of the doors will open."- A security system gone haywire. Due to a computer glitch. None of the doors would open. Judas brought a crowd to Jesus. Judas gave Jesus a kiss to identify him. Did Jesus really need to be identified? It’s not like the people didn’t know who he was. But Judas gave him a kiss. A charade as Jesus called it. "None of the doors will open."- Well—maybe really at that moment a door flew wide open. A door that would reveal Jesus true power and love to the world. A door that would make God’s presence known to all people. Even Judas-even those out to kill Jesus-even to me. This was the beginning of the beginning. The beginning of knowing that God is in heaven above and God is on the Earth below and that God is the only God there is. No earthly powerful king—like Judas wanted- but a King above all Kings—and the only God there is. "None of the doors will open."- But this open door with Jesus standing there waiting will lead to some pain. For it will hurt before I feel the healing. Peter hurt so bad when he realized his denial of Jesus. Pain and hurt of sin. All the disciples fled—sin. I deserve damnation and punishment. No doubt about it. I can’t escape the results of my sin. But Jesus still heals me. Heals me through the pain of my sin. Stays with me throughout the whole ordeal and saves me from my sin. Jesus stands at that door- inviting me out into the world to be with me when I fall down- to dust me off- to give me a hand- to pull me back up and in the end to save me from death and sin. Some that wander through that door with Jesus will turn and leave him. Seeds that won’t take root. Seeds sown that will not be saved. But not due to Jesus not being there behind that door. But due to pride and arrogance and the failure to take hold of the salvation that only God can offer. Yea—sometimes in my sin I feel completely forgotten. Dead to others in this world. And they would have it that way. But on the other side of that door that leads to life with Jesus is one who will never give me up for dead. One who will never abandon me in my pain. One who will stay with me, listen to me, and take me through my pain to life and love in him. Because Jesus knew what it was like to suffer. Jesus took on the suffering of my sin when he didn’t have to. And in this I feel his protection and blessing and will praise his name forever and ever. Just look at the huge contrast of Jesus and my sin and be thankful forever. A friend that is there even when it seems that "None of the doors will open." – I find a door wide open with my friend Jesus smiling and waiting to escort me through the pain of my sin to joyous life everlasting. Thanks be to God!

Prayer- Lord, you are awesome- I’m comin out to play today—I really don’t care if the door hits me in the ass cause you’re waiting there with that door wide open.. --Amen

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