Saturday, April 22, 2006

April 22nd People Reflection

Saturday 4/22/2006

Acts 9.1-25-He continued blind for three days. He ate nothing, drank nothing.

Joshua 3.1-5.1-When you see the Covenant-Chest of GOD, your God, carried by the Levitical priests, start moving. Follow it.

Job 22-Let him tell you what to do; take his words to heart. Come back to God Almighty and he’ll rebuild your life.

2 Esdras 12.10-36-This is the dream that you saw, and this is its interpretation.

1 John 1.1-2.2-The Word that gives life was from the beginning, and this is the one our message is about.

John 20.24-31-If you have faith in him, you will have true life.

Psalm 16-You, LORD, are all I want!

"We have a party here twice a week."- Teasing a new guy at work. We had a cook out celebrating no accidents for an extended period of time. Easter seems to me to begin the season of parties. A time to celebrate. For me a much better time to celebrate that around Christmas. We have great reason to celebrate the most wonderful gift we could ever imagine. Salvation. Think of Paul – think of Jesus in the tomb- I wonder if those three days that Paul was blind was like the three days Jesus spent in the tomb. But at the end of those three days- the celebration began. And in the celebration was new life. Changed life. Life with a work of joy. Life that would bring pain but in the pain a great joy knowing that Jesus has fulfilled all life and defeated sin and death. A new life where we follow God and hear his call and follow his lead and voice in life. Life that was intended from the beginning. That’s what the message is about. True life- and true life through faith in Jesus. Lord, you are all I want! – "We have a party here twice a week." – Let’s PARTY!!!

Prayer-Lord, I give you thanks for new life. -- Amen

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