Thursday, August 10, 2006

August 10th Daily Word and Visions from God

2 Corinthians 11-Will you put up with a little foolish aside from me?
2 Kings 25-Regarding the common people who were left behind...
Habakkuk 2-This vision message is a witness pointing to what's coming.
Psalm 34.1-8-Discover for yourself that the LORD is kind.
Will you put up with a little foolish aside from me? The Coffee Shop, the Italian Restaurant, the parking lot. Places for conversation. Places for people to come and go. A bar in the restaurant. Places for people to share lives. Places to pray for each other. Places to share lives. Places to share love. Places with people. Ordinary, yet extraordinary places. Places where Jesus walks, where Jesus talks. Common people, maybe even people left behind for one reason or another. People forgotten. People and their lives. Simple, complex, but life all the same. Lives with a vision message pointing to what's coming. In all these lives is Jesus our Savior. Waiting, walking with, enduring for, enduring with, staying with those left behind---Jesus. And in these lives God points all of them to what is to come. Jesus there all the time to fulfill, to forgive, to save. All the lives. But will each life discover that Jesus is kind, that Jesus is Savior? Some will, others will recognize and turn the other way. Go back to selfishness. Seek another savior. Turn and leave. Hop in the car and leave Jesus in the parking lot, leave Jesus in the Coffee Shop, leave Jesus at the bar. But thanks be to God, for some who are left behind, they will recognize Jesus and stay a while. Give their very life to Jesus and live for and with him. In the Coffee Shop, at the bar, in the parking lot. They will follow Jesus lead and be his disciples of love and reach out in love to others, in the parking lot, in the Coffee Shop, at the bar and tell of a wonderful Savior who came for all of us. Even the ones who have turned and left you behind. Then we'll get in our cars or perhaps walk away. We will leave some behind but will also go out into the world God has placed us in to continue the telling of the story. Will you put up with a little foolish aside from me?
Jesus, it's a joy to be left behind, it's a joy to be sent, it's a joy to talk about you in the Coffee Shop, in the parking lot, at the bar---it's a joy to be a little foolish in your name--it's a joy to be sent forward to new places- but in all it's a joy to proclaim your glory in all places to all people. Thank you. --- Amen

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