Tuesday, August 01, 2006

August 1st Daily Word and Visions from God

1 Corinthians 16-Keep your eyes open, hold tight to your convictions, give it all you've got, be resolute, and love without stopping.
2 Kings 12-13-But GOD was gracious and showed mercy to them.
Micah 3-We've got GOD on our side.
Numbers 32.1-6, 16-27-You promised that you would be ready to fight for the LORD.
A park-- A place to walk in nature. A place for conversation and a place to see God's creation living. A place to rest and talk. A place to renew your spirit. A place to pray. A place to see God. A place. In all the places of life, God asks be to love without stopping. No matter how I feel, I need to be resolute and hold tight to my convictions. See the opportunities to love without stopping. Keep my eyes open to God's lead. God will show me how and when to love. God will be on my side in this and he will be gracious and merciful. As I walk through this playground of God's creation, I will keep my eyes and ears open to God's lead to love without stopping.
Lord, you have shown me your love-a deep deep love beyond understanding-- send me this day into your Kingdom with even just a dash of this love to give to those I meet so that they may see you. Follow you and praise you. -- Amen

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