Friday, September 08, 2006

September 8th Daily Word and Visions from God

John 12.27-50-For a brief time still, the light is among you. Walk by the light you have so darkness doesn't destroy you.
2 Chronicles 16-17-You were foolish to go from human help when you could have had God's help.
Psalm 78.1-20-Listen dear friends, to God's truth, bend you ears to what I tell you.
Isaiah 35.4-7a-The blind will see, and the ears of the deaf will be healed.
An entrance to one of those really large movie theaters in Cincinnati. It's almost like stepping into an airport. All these people busy to get their tickets and take their seats. Then the lights go out and we focus on the light from a screen. Focus our attention ahead for the next couple of hours. Jesus is my light. He is the screen I will focus on. The light I look to for this brief few hours God has given me to exist on this earth, in this way, in his Kingdom. I need to focus on his light. When I'm in trouble, reach to Jesus first. Then I can look around and see how God is active in the humans, in the science, in the gifts he has given all of us. But I would be foolish to go to human's first before God. I must remember where and to whom my focus must be. That light and screen of Jesus. Listen dear friends, to God's truth, bend your ears to what I tell you. You see in our focus on the Light of Jesus--the blind will see, and the ears of the deaf will be healed. I will really see and hear what needs to be seen and heard in the Big Screen and the Light of Jesus. Now there is a great place of joy to enter in and see and hear!
Jesus, I look to your Screen of Light and salvation -- Life and love this day. Lead me and guide me and let me see and hear where I should go in your Kingdom. ---Amen

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