Monday, December 20, 2004

December 20th Reflections

Monday 12/20/2004
Colossians 2.20-3.17 - Allot more don’t do this or that- advice on what not to do - quit being angry, hateful, and evil - stop saying insulting or cruel things to others- stop lying to each other - give up you old way of life - you are a new person- Christ is all that matters and he lives in all of us - God loves you and has chosen you - be gentle, kind, humble, meek and patient - put up with each other - forgive each other-live together in peace- be grateful- let the message about Christ completely fill your life- with thankful hearts sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to God- do everything in the name of Jesus and give thanks to God because of Jesus
Ezekiel 29-30 - Oracles against Egypt -- Egypt was an ally and also and enemy of Israel -- it seems like a strange relationship between a couple of nations -- But God was telling Egypt that if God wants the Babylonians to defect Egypt - then they will - God can control anything he chooses- or he can release control of anything he chooses
Isaiah 55 - Come to God and live - turn to God - He can still be found - call to God - hi is near - give up your crooked ways and evil thoughts - God forgives - God’s Words don’t return to him without doing everything he sent them to do -- just like rain - it doesn’t return to the sky until it has nourished the earth-brought life to plant and animal
Do not be afraid - Beware but be comforted - God is about to turn everything upside down - But- Do not be afraid
Fasting and other outward preparations serve a good purpose -- but believing really prepares you
Titus 2.11-14 - Jesus save you -- respond and be zealous for good deeds
Galatians 3.1-14 - I receive the Spirit of God through belief - I become a child of god by faith - Jesus was cursed for me - he hung on a tree for me - so that I could be his - not through the law - but through faith in him- I can have faith - but I can never fulfill the law - Jesus forgives my sin and releases me from the curse of the law
Psalm 34.15-22 - God listens to us
Prayer- Lord - lead me in the Do’s this day - help me to be gentle, kind, humble, meek and patient -- help me to forgive - love- be thankful and sing your praises- May I come to you and live - may you find me where I am and give me life- may I comfort others - and most of all may if believe. In you I place all hope and trust -- Amen

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