Tuesday, December 07, 2004

December 5th-7th reflections

Sunday 12/5/2004
Ephesians 2 - In the past I was dead - I have turned from God - Gentiles were not included under traditional understanding back then - even if you were a Jew and considered part of the Chosen Race - everyone has sinned and turned from God - but God was merciful to all of us - He sent Jesus to save us - I love verses 4-10 - God was merciful - he loved us so much that he made us alive with Christ - he raised us from death to life with Jesus - “You were saved by faith in God, who treats us much better than we deserve. This is God’s gift to you, and not anything you have done on your own. It isn’t something you have earned, so there is nothing you can brag about.. God planned for us to do good things and to live as he has always wanted us to live. That’s why he sent Christ to make us what we are.� - Jesus offered his life blood as a sacrifice and brought me near to God - Jesus gave his own body to destroy the Law of Moses with all its rules and commands
Ezekiel 6-7 - God will destroy all the shrines, the false gods, the temples and altars to the false gods and scatter the people who worship them -- kinda like throwing that hair in the wind from the mini model of Jerusalem yesterday - God will punish evil - yea he is a loving God - but I don’t think he loves evil or sin whatsoever - and through discipline there is hope - hope that I will turn from my sin - realize and smell the stench and turn back to God - I will know that God is God!
Isaiah 40 - God will end his punishment for my sins - yea - I deserve it - I need his discipline and need to take it - but he is kind and merciful and will bring it to an end - He will show me a clear straight path in my desert of sin - He will give me an “out� - “Fill in the valleys; flatten every hill and mountain. Level the rough and rugged ground.� -- I always remember this verse and tell it to Sarah when we are coming back from time in North Carolina - after a while - driving in the mountains -- the mountains feel like they are cluttering my mind - then when we get to Ohio - I will tell her -- see -- the Promised Land! -- where the valleys are filled in and the mountains are laid low -- feel how your mind is uncluttered now -- But the reverse of it is that when in North Carolina - when I go to the tops of the mountains or in the valleys - I feel the presence of God very powerfully as well -- so both places are the Promised Land -- for the Promised Land is that place that contains God -- and God is always where He promises to be -- in your heart -- no matter where you are --- verse 9 …Shout it as loud as you can from the highest mountain. Don’t be afraid to shout to the towns of Judah, “Your God is here!� -- trust God - you will find new strength - “They will be strong like eagles soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired.� -- Reminds me of something a friend once told me.-- this part of Isaiah is especially meaningful to me -- all at the same time I hear God speaking through Isaiah to people of all time - and even to this time in my life - remember Isaiah was sent as prophet to speak to Judah when the Assyrians were sending the northern kingdom into exile - Isaiah was dead a few hundred years before the return of the exiles from Babylon - but you read this and you think of Judah in exile in Babylon - you can think of Jesus - you can think of your own story -- I’m always amazed at how God takes scripture - especially the prophets and makes it applicable across and through time -- brings much fuller meaning to the Word of God -- to Jesus presence in creation -- to the Spirits presence always and to how amazing God is.
I want to go up to the mountain of God - learn - see - believe
May I teach others of your Name in truth and purity
Matthew 3.1-12 - Prepare for Jesus to be in my life - let him make a beeline into my heart - through my baptism - God took a direct path into my heart - to be with me always - to lead and guide me - to save me - may I always know this presence and not turn him away- I must repent and turn around - God is God and God is present!
Luke 3.1-6 - There is that Isaiah speaking the Word of God again - way beyond his time - about John the Baptist-- valley filling and mountains made low -- that straight path-- “and all flesh shall see the salvation of God� -- I see-I see - I believe!!!
Psalm 126 - God will restore me - God has saved me -- Laugh-Shout-be Happy and Praise God!!
Prayer - Jesus make that bee line into my heart - for you are near - you are here - I believe! - It’s not about me - It’s not about what I do - It’s about what you have already done - Forgive my selfishness - my sin of self and lead me on that straight path - guide me on that path you want me to take - open me up wide and take the direct flight into my heart - may I never fail to see your presence in my life - to feel your healing - to see your creation and all the creative works you are doing now - have done in ages past and will do in ages to come - for you are God and I will praise you. Shine your light brightly into this world this day and hear the praises of the multitudes in worship to you - we love you! --- Amen
Monday 12/6/2004
Ephesians 3 - A mystery - Because of Jesus the good news has given me a share in the promises that God gave to the Jews - I am now a part of the same body as the Jews - chosen by God - this is a blessing that cannot be measured - God has many different kinds of wisdom - Through Jesus I now have courage and confidence to come to God by faith - kneel in prayer to God - everything in heaven and earth receive life from God - Jesus will live in my heart because of faith - be deeply rooted in love - Jesus love is too wonderful to be measured - the Church must bring praise to God - Jesus power in the Church can do far more than we can imagine
Ezekiel 8-9 - The Spirit takes control of Ezekiel - he sees something in the form of a human - fire from the waist down - polished metal from the waist up - it grabbed his hair and carried Ezekiel away - Ezekiel was shown idols being worshiped - then a hole in the wall - Ezekiel was told to make the hole bigger - it was a doorway - when Ezekiel went in he saw more idol worship- then Ezekiel was shown women weeping for an idol - then men bowing down to a sun god - God has decided to punish his kids for turning away from him --- then Ezekiel saw six men - they were sent by God to destroy the temple - the brightness of God’s glory then left its place above the winged creatures inside the temple and moved to the entrance -- this is the first time I have seen something that refers to the Ark of the Covenant -- over the Ark on the mercy seat were two angels with wings outstretched to touch each other - this is the seat of God - the Mercy Seat - where God was to exist above the Ark in the Holy of Holies - Back to Ezekiel - the six men were to go through Jerusalem and mark anyone who was disgusted with all that was going on - mark them on the forehead - they were to put to death those who didn’t have a mark on their forehead - two things come to mind here for me - the Passover - a mark on the doorposts - and also the 144,000 mention in Revelation who had God’s mark on their foreheads- 12 times 12 times 1000 - signifies a very complete number - all put their faith and trust in God - I have been marked and sealed with the cross of Christ forever at baptism -- now I must put all my faith and trust in God - So these were the only people spared - God will judge - no doubt - be among the faithful - then on the Ark - it makes me wonder if it was at this time that the Ark and presence of God left that temple -- and through that torn curtain at Jesus crucifixion - the Holy of Holies opened up and the brightness of God’s glory left that physical place to dwell in the hearts openly in all of the faithful people. -- hmmmm
Isaiah 41 - Who controls human events? - God does- makes me think about pre-destination - but I guess God does give us individual minds to make decisions - but then I do see God taking control of historical events at times like with the Egyptians during the plagues and the Babylonians mentioned here - they were lead by God to do something for him -- but then aren’t we all lead by God to do something -- makes you think and hurts my brain!- but then again I ain’t God! - He was there at the beginning and will be there at the end - God chose Abraham - He is the God of the faithful - God will protect us and care for us - He is holding my hand so I don’t have to be afraid- God will help us - idols are nothing but man created junk - stick with God - God is God
Decorate your life and heart with the love of Christ - cry out to the world from this decorated heart for peace and comfort to those in need - prepare your heart now and turn around to the love of God- hurry!
May your kingdom come to me today through your Holy Spirit so that by your grace I may believe and live in your kingdom this day
Isaiah 5.8-17 - Going after stuff is senseless - you keep doing it until there is no room left for anyone but you - selfish desires -- God is God - don’t be selfish - turn to God - stuff doesn’t matter
1 John 2.28-3.3 - God gave us love and made us his children
Psalm 145.8-13 - Give thanks to God - I am one of his works and am sent to make known to all people the deeds of God - God saves
Prayer - Lord- you are so mysterious - you chose me for some reason - you marked me with your cross and send me for some reason - how wonderful you are - for I am a sinner - I need your forgiveness and you forgive - center yourself in my heart - help me decorate this day with your love and compassion - send me out this day to show the world what you have done - how kind you are - how to care for the poor and needy - the sick and blind - those in spiritual need- use me as your manger - let me feed the world just as you have fed me - for you reveal yourself all around me - hear my song of praise this day for your glory and let my life be all about you. You are God! I love you --- Amen
Tuesday 12/7/2004
Ephesians 4.1-16 - Live in a manner worthy of one of God’s chosen - be humble and gentle - put up with each other - love each other - let the Spirit keep our hearts united - live at peace - we have one Lord, faith and baptism - God works by using all of us - here is another back up scripture ot “descended into hell� - “Christ has generously divided out his gifts to us. As the scriptures say, “When he went up to the highest place, he led away many prisoners and gave gifts to people.� When it says “he went up,� it means that Christ had been deep in the earth. This also means that the one who went deep into the earth is the same one who went into the highest heaven, so that he would fill the whole universe.� -- Think about that one! - that’s deep - Christ fills the whole universe - next time you look up at the stars of the night sky - think about Jesus filling the whole universe! - We were chosen to be all sorts of things so that we would learn to serve and will grow strong- this will continue until we are united by our faith and understanding with Jesus - there is that image again - approaching that cross, with those special to us and all the saints - looking up that cross and being united with Jesus- how awesome will that be!!! - we will be mature and be just like Jesus then - stop acting like kids - don’t let false teachings trick us - let love always tell the truth- then we will grow and be more like Jesus - Jesus makes all the parts of the body work together perfectly and the body - the church - will become strong because of love.
Ezekiel 10-11 - It seems we move back to an earlier image of Ezekiel - he sees the dome above the four winged creatures and a man there - maybe Jesus?-don’t know - this man is going to scatter hot coals over the city of Jerusalem - the man walked among the four creatures and when he did the temple and courtyard were filled with brightness and his glory- the sound of the creatures wings were so loud that it could even be heard in the outer courtyard -- when Jesus was on trial - before the crucifixion - I wonder - it must be that the temple was filled with his glory - even when we were persecuting him - and this act of love by Jesus made a sound so great that now all people have access to his saving grace - even those outside the courtyard - Thanks be to God! - One of the four creatures took a hot coal and left - it’s time for the wheels with the four creatures to spin - it’s time for Christians to act! - the four creatures with faces - bull, lion, eagle, human - represented today as the Gospels - the Lord’s glory was above these wheels and four creatures - not much different than Christ as the head of the Church - wherever it goes - Christ is there leading and guiding - Ezekiel was shown leaders misguiding the people - they will be forced to leave Jerusalem - they will be captured and punished - they are disobeying God - God is God! - God forced the Jews out of their own country - but God will be with them wherever they are - God is in my heart - wherever I am - I can worship him always - he will gather all of us up some day and bring us together - there’s that cross image again - slowly approaching that cross with those special and all the saints in glory! - We will be completely faithful to him then - God will be our God and our one an only God - God is God!
Isaiah 42 - This first part reminds me of Jesus - the one who will save me - but I still turn away and deserve to be punished - just like the Israelites -- help me to not turn away - I see your glory and salvation - I will keep you as my one and only God!
Decorate your life and heart with the love of Christ - cry out to the world from this decorated heart for peace and comfort to those in need - prepare your heart now and turn around to the love of God- hurry!
Strengthen my faith - keep me firm in your Word - let me serve and do your will - today
Isaiah 5.18-25 - Forgive me when is drag sin around with me - for when I call evil good and good evil - for when I put darkness for light and light for darkness- for when I’m wise in my own eyes - for when I’m shrewd in my own sight - for when I’m valiant at drinking and mixing drink - for when I free the guilty for a bribe and deprive the innocent their rights- for when I’m selfish and forget that --- God is God!
Ephesians 4.25-32 - build others up - let my words give grace to those who hear - don’t be bitter, angry, or slanderous -- be kind to others and tenderhearted - forgiving - after all Jesus forgave me!
Psalm 4 - Trust in God - pray to God - God will let you rest in safety and peace
Prayer - Lord, your are faithful, true, loving, and my Savior. You are my one and only God - you rescue me from darkness, you show me the way when I’m lost, you seek me out and return me to your fold when I’m in exile and lost. I give you thanks for your power - for your love and for filling the universe -- fill my heart with you love - fill me with passion to love those children in your world this day with the love you give - forgive my sins and send me forth to forgive those who sin against me - to love them to death - to show them a love that you give that brings life - for you are the gift of life - you are that brightness above the dome - within the dome - and all around the dome - you are life! ---- Thanks be to God! -- Amen

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