Sunday, February 18, 2007

February 18th Daily Word and Visions from God

Hebrews 13-Let the love of the brethren continue.
Exodus 18-19-...and how I bore you on eagles' wings, and brought you to Myself.
Proverbs 8-"Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at my doorposts.
Luke 9.28-43-And they were all amazed at the greatness of God.
This one was a tough one to write for me. Even at this moment it is tough to write. This morning Sarah was in deep depression. Debilitating depression. Depression so deep that a person can't even function. As a father I would step in and take her place and relieve her of this mental illness if only I could. I would give my life for hers and let her have mine if only I could. But I can't. I want to help but don't know how. I try different strategies but can't do this. Neither can Sarah. Help can only come from beyond both of us. Even with all my love continuing on I can't seem to help. It makes me wonder about how God felt. What pain God felt with His Son's persecution and death. But God is so much greater than I that I'm sure He knew of that grand plan and was willing to let the love of the brethren continue. God's love is so great he rescues us on eagles wings and brings us to Himself. But this day...I wait and wonder. How will this rescue occur. When will the rescue occur. I need God to step in for the rescue. Sarah needs God's rescue. This day, I stop and I listen and I seek the Word of God. But all I can feel is His eye, like Abe's above, observing me. Observing me make mistakes with Sarah. Observing my pain. Observing Sarah's pain. God just observing. God please do more than just observe. I don't need another on-looker at this time. I need action. I need you to rescue me on eagles' wings and bring me and Sarah to you. I'm watching at the gate of Your Word. I'm listening and waiting. Then I reflect on the Transfiguration. Afterwards you rescued. You did come down from that lofty place where God's voice was heard. You came down from your radiant appearance with Moses and Elijah to take action. And you healed a man's son. And they were all amazed at the greatness of God. I need you this day. And I feel Your awesome gaze into my life and Sarah's life too. And I know that You not only gaze but you act. For You acted through Your Son years ago and continue to act today and forever. No doubt about it. You act! Now today, I ask that You keep your gaze on Sarah and myself, forgive me for doubting, and fill me with blessing as I watch at the gates and wait at the doorposts. Thanks be to God for acting!
Lord, I'm sinful and need forgiveness. Please forgive me. I'm also needy and in need of Your help. Help Sarah and me I pray this day. Protect us and keep us and bless us. And show me how to act like you would want me to act. ---Amen

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