Monday, February 19, 2007

February 19th Daily Word and Visions from God

Matthew 1- And Joseph awoke from his sleep and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took Mary as his wife, but kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and he called His name Jesus.
Exodus 20-21-You shall have no other gods before Me.
Proverbs 9-The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Exodus 35.1-29-Then Moses assemble all the congregation...
I notice the highlight of the snow on the trees. Sometimes snow brings a touch of highlight to life. Last night after Steph came home late she came into the house in a panic. Her car was stuck halfway out into the streets. It was a highlight to life for this day. Sue, Sarah, Steph and I were united with a single purpose. To get the car in the driveway. All the worries of the day were gone and our focus was applied together to getting this car unstuck. We worked together. It was wonderful when we got the car moved into the drive and everyone was happy. God gives us a focus and highlight in Jesus. I can imagine how Joseph must have been troubled by concern for his pregnant fiance. This child was not of his own seed. But God highlighted the life of Joseph with concentration on Jesus. There was something new to focus on rather than the problems of the day. Focus on Jesus. You shall have no other god. Only Jesus. Focus on Him. In Jesus congregations will assemble to focus on Jesus. To focus on Jesus rather than our own problems and issues. And this is the beginning of wisdom. Focus on Jesus and receive the knowledge of understanding through the Holy One. Some snow brought a highlight to life last night. A Jesus brings highlight to Life.
Lord, I see the real Highlight on that tree. I focus on You! ---Amen

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