Friday, December 16, 2005

December 16th People Reflection

Friday 12/26/2005

Philippians 3-But Christ has shown me that what I once thought was valuable is worthless.

Ezekiel 23-and you will know that I am the LORD God

Isaiah 51-my saving power will never end.

2 Samuel 7.1-11, 16-the LORD will make you a house…

Matthew 21.18-22-Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive.

Psalm 95-Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving

"I remember making this one at church." – The girls talking about ornaments they were putting on the Christmas tree. It reminds me of David and how he wanted to build a house for God. David had built a place for himself and then he realized that God still dwelt in a tent and wanted to build a temple for God. But God turned it all around- he would have a temple whenever he wanted one but God showed that he was the one building a house- a house for David and all God’s people- God was making them a house- a home- God decorates us with his gifts- I don’t decorate God—so now what David once thought was the thing to do for God – what he once thought was valuable is worthless in God’s sight- and Christ does the same for me day after day-what I once think is what I think God wants is not what he wants like what I thought- God wants me to give my life to him – God wants me! – and he sent his Son to get me – to save me with an eternal power – a saving power that will never end- and in this I KNOW who God is- and I come to God everyday – repenting – humble- and very very thankful- for in prayer God responds with love. "I remember making this one at church." – Yea- a decoration- a personal accomplishment- but in that making we realize that God turned it all around- I am not decorating God – I’m not even docorating a Christmas tree- through the action of making that ornament- God gave me gifts that he intended to use all along.

Prayer- Lord, I offer my ornaments to you with praise and thanksgiving and stand in awe of how you have decorated me with your gifts. I will display your gifts this day and every day in my life. -- Amen

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