Tuesday, December 06, 2005

December 6th People Reflection

Tuesday 12/6/2005

Ephesians 3-God did this according to his eternal plan.

Ezekiel 8-9-Now get busy!

Isaiah 41-I was there at the beginning; I will be there at the end.

Psalm 146-The LORD will reign forever

1 Peter 2.1-12-in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light

Psalm 111-His praise endures forever

"Always give thanks."- Advice from a mother- always give thanks- and thanks first to God- wonderful advice- God was there at the beginning and will be there at the end- "Always give thanks."- God has an eternal plan for his people- "Always give thanks."- I know that God rules all things- but he gives me the freedom of choice too- he let’s some things just happen- doesn’t interrupt the flow of things- and in this freedom there is risk but also blessing- "Always give thanks."- God reveals the light of his Son Jesus in the darkest times of my life- a marvelous light that I will "Always give thanks." – I will praise this creator and giver of life all my life and "Always give thanks."- And when I have praised God- listening to his voice- I know that the time will come when he decides to use me and commands me to – Now get busy! – and even and especially in this – I will "Always give thanks." – yea give thanks to God- what great advice- somehow I think I hear the voice of God speaking a message through the generations of a friends family – "Always give thanks." – Thanks be to God!

Prayer- Lord, I "Always give thanks." To you for all life and blessings. Thanks be to God! -- Amen

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