Monday, December 26, 2005

December 26th People Reflection

Monday 12/26/2005

Luke 2.21-52-Simeon took the baby Jesus in his arms and praised God…

Ezekiel 38-39-I want the birds and animals to eat until they are full and drink until they are drunk.

Isaiah 61-The Spirit of the LORD God has taken control of me!

Acts 6.8-7.2a, 51-60-Stephen, full of grace and power, did great wonders and signs among the people.

Hebrews 12.1-3-looking to Jesus…

Psalm 118-for his steadfast love endures forever

"It’s good to worship with you."- A friend in church- It’s good to worship – it really is- to worship a baby- to take that baby into my arms and praise God- God came to me in flesh and blood- God so awesome that he lets me take him into my arms- to love him- to praise him- seems backwards- but God takes me in his arms too- loves me and cares for me and gives me all I need to live- God gives his Spirit to me- the Spirit takes control of me and I love others- look at Stephen- worshiping God- to the very end- full of grace and power- showing the great signs among the people- Stephen worships God- looking to Jesus on his throne- Jesus with a love that lasts forever- God who feeds even the birds and the animals will so much more care and love me- "It’s good to worship with you."- Yea – it’s good – real real good!!

Prayer- Lord – all praise and glory belongs to you- we worship the King! -- Amen

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