Monday, January 17, 2005

January 17th Reflections

Monday 1/17/2005
Luke 13.18-35 - God’s kingdom - seeds and small things that grow exponentially -- makes me like infant baptism even more- may all of us grow infants and adults both in God’s kingdom - work in God’s kingdom - respond to his love - so that you know God and God knows you - get close - don’t be afraid - Jesus wasn’t afraid - don’t be afraid to get close to God - actually God is close to you -- feel that closeness and rejoice
Genesis 24 - Abraham is old - he needs to find a wife for his son Isaac -- he doesn’t want Isaac to have a wife from the people that he is staying with - so he sends one of his servants back to his family to find a wife for Isaac -- the servant prays to God for a sign as to which woman should be Isaac’s wife while he is at a well -- Rebekah is the one chosen-- she agrees to return to the land that Isaac is living in to be his wife-- all of this takes faith - on everyone’s part -- but God works it out for good- and God does all the choosing - hmmm!
Psalm 17 - God knows my heart
God’s always present with his people. Nothing can separate us from Christ.
Our Father - Give-Forgive-Save-the Glory is Yours
1 Corinthians 10.1-5 - We all drink from that same spiritual rock - Jesus - I’m thirsty!!
Colossians 2.1-10 - Stay focused on Jesus - don’t let some other philosophy or idea take over
Psalm 8 - God is majestic - what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them? Yet you have made them a little lower than God, and crowned them with glory and honor.
Prayer - Lord, today I think of your kingdom - how you enlarge yourself in me - how you come to me and feed me that wonderful daily bread - that wine of salvation and teach me -- you show me my sins and forgive my sins - I bring today before you my sins and ask you to forgive me - to turn me around - to change me and to take my life and use it in your kingdom - for you know my heart - you know what is good for me - you choose me just like you chose Abraham, Rebekah and all your children - reveal to me today what you want me to do - what purpose you have in mind for me - this day - here and now and I will follow - may I keep my focus on Jesus - for it’s all about you -- I love you. ---- Amen

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