Monday, January 03, 2005

January 3rd Reflections

Monday 1/3/2005
Luke 6.27-49 - Here comes the hard instructions from Jesus - love you enemies -- do all kinds of good stuff to people that don’t deserve it from a human perspective - but from God’s perspective - even these rotten people are his children and he wants them to turn to him -- to make him their God -- not the junk they are currently following -- so we have to look beyond our own selfish things and love others unconditionally -- all sounds so nicey nicey -- but is hard as hell to do -- Don’t think so much of myself - make sure I know I’m a sinner too before I go and start judging others in some harsh way- and even then -- I better work on my own sin -- let God deal with the other persons sin -- that’s not my place- Your words show what is in your heart -- hear what Jesus has to say - then do something about it - if you don’t you are a phony
Genesis 6-7 - A whole bunch of people now - some of the women were so beautiful that angels came down and married them and had children called Nephilim- God saw how rotten the people had gotten - God was sorry he had made humans - God decided to destroy it all - But God did like Noah - so God told Noah to build a boat for his family and some animals - So God made it rain - for forty days - flooded the earth until all was dead but Noah and his family and the animals on the boat.-- so back to the theme the last couple of days on separation -- God separated things in the creation - man tried to bring the back together to be like God and sinned -- it continued even with the marriage of angels and women -- humans continued to sin and try to be like God so much that is sickened God to the point of wanting to start over-- so God brought the waters back together that in creation he had separated for humans to exist -- this killed the creation God has just previously created - the life of humans and animals -- killed by the bringing back together the waters that God once separated to bring life into being -- same way in our baptism -- as we are covered by the water - God brings together again that water from above and below the earth - we die to sin - then as we come out of the water we are given new life by God -- we are his children -- God kept Noah and his family and a sampling of animal life - spared them from the flood - so that life could continue -- our life in the same way continues with our baptism -- our sins are drowned in the flood -- God once again separates himself from us as we rise new out of the water -- and once again we find that we are his children and God is God -- so don’t try to resist this separation - God is God -- we are united in God through Jesus -- we are not united in God through our own actions that we think will save us -- we are only united in God through the salvation Jesus has freely brought to us -- united on a one way street -- God to us -- not me to God.
Psalm 3 - God will protect me - sleep and wake up refreshed- God protects me - Come and save me God!
Focus on the Light that comes down to me; that one and only light of Christ - then turn the lights on through me in this dark world in which I live. Let the Light that comes down light up in me and my world. Here and now.
Respect, obey , love and serve those in authority.
Isaiah 60.1-6 - Arise, shine; for your light has come - the glory of God has risen upon you- the earth is dark - but God will arise in me and shine right through - the light will shine through into this dark world - and I will be happy!
Philemon 15-17 - God is not separated from us-- he is with us - God comes to us in flesh - in Jesus
Psalm 10 - God takes care of the weak- the oppressed and the needy. God takes care of me.
Prayer - Oh how separate I can feel - when I know I fall short of loving my enemies - doing good to those I hate - even just hating in itself - then I hear your words of how I should act - how I should love and realize how far short of all that I am -- forgive me -- come to me in your light -- come to me in your forgiveness- bath me with those waters that unite me with you -- but only through you - unite me through you - not through me -- cause once I think it’s through me -- I sin again and need you to come to me again - I praise you for this - I praise you for coming down to me - coming down to my dark world -- for I can’t unite with you through what I do - or how good I am - You unite with me - out of your love - your great and deep deep love - send me out this day toe be the light that reflects your light of love into a dark world - show me how to love others- even my enemies- show me- teach me - lead me this day --- Amen

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