Saturday, January 08, 2005

January 8th Reflections

Saturday 1/8/2005
Luke 9.1-27 - Jesus gave his disciples power then sent them to tell about God’s kingdom and heal the sick - Well - things were beginning to build - it was to the point now that not only a couple of people like John the Baptist and Jesus were telling about God’s kingdom -- but all the disciples too - things were taking off - more and more people were hearing the message -- so Herod begins to get worried- maybe he will lose control or power - But Herod had John’s head cut off and things were still progressing with this “God� thing going on - so Herod was now eager to meet Jesus - The apostles came back and reported to Jesus all they had done- so Jesus took them out for a walk - but everyone found out where they were going and followed - so now we have this big crowd and it’s the end of the day and they all need fed - Jesus tell the apostles to feed them - well we don’t have enough to eat! - Jesus blessed what food they had and they fed it to the people and had some left over- God will take care of your needs in sometimes miraculous ways - So Jesus is next alone with his disciples and Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah - but Jesus doesn’t want them telling anyone about this yet - I think sometimes it would have been too much information too soon for Jesus to fulfill his ministry - then Jesus tells how he must die- but will rise again - I’m sure that was way too much information too soon for the disciples -- but the seed was planted- they will remember that conversation later and figure it out.
Genesis 15 - God spoke to Abram in a vision - Abram figured the children thing was out by now and lost faith - but God reassured him that Abram would have children - I like this part - God told Abram to look at the stars -- that’s how many descendants you will have-- as impossible as it seemed to Abram - Abram believed God - Then to seal the promise - God and Abram do this weird ceremony thing - Abram cuts in two a goat, a ram but doesn’t cut in two the dove and the pigeon -- placed the pieces on the ground - chased the birds away that were trying to eat the dead flesh - then Abram fell asleep - then Abram had a dream of the promise of the land that God would give his family - then this flaming fire passed between the halves of the animals and sealed the deal on the land between God and Abram
Psalm 8 - God give me power to rule over creation - may I be respectful of this and praise God for the gifts he gives me
Focus on the Light that comes down to me; that one and only light of Christ - then turn the lights on through me in this dark world in which I live. Let the Light that comes down light up in me and my world. Here and now.
Help your neighbor keep what is his or hers
Acts 10.34-43 - Peter began to speak - he told the gospel story -- we all better begin to speak -- it’s not about who or how many people come to church - or what kind of church they go to or how the church is run or all that other crap - vs. 42 - “He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify…� -- “everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.� -- and if you look at Jesus life -- he did this in church but more often outside of church - we gotta tell the story to those outside of church! - In our daily lives -- when we leave church -- that’s where the ministry is- It’s all about Jesus and his saving grace -- it’s not about church- church is how we respond to the love of God and the salvation we have been given- OK - so I got a little preachy there - so what!- oh by the way - in this passage Peter is in a Gentile home- Peter hadn’t been in a Gentile home in his whole life up to this point
Philippians 2.17-30 - As friends we need to take care of each other - send each other out to help each other - love your friends -- the awful part of all that above is that it reminds me of Jerry Springer!-somehow that ain’t right!
Psalm 57 -God’s steadfast love is as high as the heavens -- and his faithfulness extends to the clouds
Prayer - Jesus - you give me gifts - you send me out just like your apostles - send me out to tell the world your story - your love- your saving grace - to tell them about your kingdom - not this kingdom we think we have control over- but your kingdom - let me be a part of your kingdom - let me do some work in your kingdom - teach me to love all people in your kingdom - show me all those stars in the sky and drive home the point that all these people are people you want me to love in your kingdom - not just the few but all of them - then let me work together with friends and go out together into your kingdom and tell the story - let us get together and praise you for your glory and power and greatness- praise you in song - praise you and thank you in sacrament - but once we’re done - let us all run out the doors of that church into your kingdom to work and play for you. --- Amen

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