Sunday, January 30, 2005

January 29th Reflection

Saturday 1/29/2005
Luke 21 - I like this chapter- first there is the story of the poor old lady putting in all she had for the offering - I think God wants that from me - all I got -- I don’t do it but want to anyway -- Give all I have -- then Jesus goes on to tell about when he will return -- It’s nice to think about all the excitement this will cause -- and how nice it will be -- yea -- the way he describes it sounds all awful and stuff -- but that’s more to those who don’t have any hope - who know that their time is up - they need to decide who they choose to follow and pay the price -- but even for me - if I’m here - it won’t be easy because of all that - Jesus won’t take that pain away - people will try to hurt me -- but because I know that Jesus has saved me -- it’s just an endurance - I know the Spirit will give me the words to say and even if I’m killed -- it’s only the body - I will still live on -- nice thoughts -- fun times after all - strange
Genesis 38 - Well -- they kinda go off to the side with this story -- Judah leaves and marries a Canaanite woman -- has three sons -- the oldest son Judah gives a wife named Tamar to -- but this oldest son named Er was evil and God took his life- so Judah tells the next son Onan that he needs to sleep with Tamar so she can have children for his brother - so Onan knew the child wouldn’t be his and when he has sex he makes sure he doesn’t get Tamar pregnant -- so God is upset with Onan and takes his life too -- so Judah tells Tamar to go home and live with her father cause he doesn’t want the same thing to happen to his last son - So Judah’s wife dies and he mourns - he then went to meet a friend in the area his wife came from - Tamar hears that her father in law is coming that way - dresses up as a prostitute and waits on Judah - she has a veil over her face - Judah checks her out and goes for it -- I guess he was really horny or something - it’s like this is an everyday thing the way it’s presented - so Judah sleeps with Tamar thinking she is a prostitute - Tamar gets pregnant -- well I guess Judah put it on his credit card - cause he left a ring on a cord around his neck as pay until he could send a goat for payment - so Judah goes to send the goat for payment and the prostitute doesn’t exist according to the local people - so Judah just blows the whole thing off - then about three months later Judah finds out Tamar is pregnant because she acted like a whore - so Judah tells the people to drag her out and kill her-- well Tamar says- the owner of this cord and ring and walking stick is the one who got me pregnant -- that was Judah -- ooops! - Judah admitted it was him - Tamar had twins -- one started to come out - stuck his hand out and they tied a string around the baby’s hand but he pulled it back in and the other one came out first -- they named the babies Perez and Zerah -- ok - so what do I make of all this -- it’s funny that when I look for Jesus in this story - I see that Tamar is one of his descendants -- Jesus came from this string of people - Judah and Tamar -- down through King David and on -- so here again sinful and unexpected people are used by God in the salvation of the world -- also Perez -- they thought Zerah was going to be the first born - tied the red string around his hand - but Perez came out first -- made his own opening --- opening is the meaning of his name Perez - God opens up to us salvation through this line of people in Jesus- this whole switch-a-roo thing keeps coming up over and over in the Bible - God turns things around - just like I must turn around from my sin -- I guess you could go on and on with this whole excursion from the Joseph story -- kinda neat!
Psalm 29 - Angels in heaven honor God! - The voice of God - thunders over the ocean- through the forest - makes lightening flash - shakes the desert -makes deer give birth? (where did that come from?) - God rules on his throne - king of the flood forever -- flood of baptismal - life giving water- hear the voice of God - sometimes it’s really really loud!
Jesus-Thank you for your saving acts of forgiveness, healing and salvation. Thanks for showing your love.
Baptism - water with the Word of God make it life giving water- we must trust in this Word and receive new birth
1 Corinthians 1.18-31 - the message of the cross is the power of God- God decided to save those who believe - consider your call - God didn’t call you because you were wise or great or anything like that - he called you so that you couldn’t boast about yourself -but only boast in the Lord - pretty neat!
Ephesians 4.22-5.2 - Put away that old life and be renewed in the spirit of my mind - clothed with a new self- speak truth to my neighbor- be angry but do not sin - don’t let the sun go down on my anger- don’t talk evil but only build up - let my words give grace to those who hear them - don’t be bitter but be kind to others- God forgives me - act like it! - live in love as Jesus loved me - he gave himself up as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God
Psalm 123 - Lift up my eyes to God - God - have mercy on me- I need your forgiveness
Prayer - Lord - I see it - I see you Jesus - from way back - how you use people - those people that would be the least expected -those prostitutes- those men that slept with their daughter-in-laws -- all plain old people that lead up to the saving acts of your Son Jesus - all these people you came to save - not the wise - not the big shots - not the rich and famous - like the world would expect - you would suck right up to those - but you are God -- we are not God -- big difference - so even to those who really think they are something here in this world - look out - God is God - humble yourself - turn around and be saved - cause when I realize it Jesus came to save all people - even the ones that think they don’t need it - turn around - see the need for salvation - then listen and hear the voices of God - it will thunder and flash and lead the rest of my life - forgive me this day - as I turn around - hit me over the head with your voice and let me hear the thunder and go your way - follow you - put away that old life and smell that sweet fragrance of Jesus saving grace in my life and love those in the world which you have blessed me with. Thanks be to God! -- Amen

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