Sunday, January 09, 2005

January 9th Reflections

Sunday 1/9/2005
Luke 9.28-62 - Jesus, Peter, John and James go up a mountain with Jesus to pray -- I like the idea of praying on the mountain -- anyway all the sudden Jesus begins to glow and Moses and Elijah show up and are speaking with Jesus -- They talked about what Jesus death in Jerusalem would mean. Well the disciples were asleep but woke up and they saw all this - when Moses and Elijah were getting ready to go- Peter mentioned building some shelter for them -- now what’s that about? -- a couple of dead guys come back and you want to build them a shack or something? -- I imagine if they were able to appear from the dead - they didn’t much need a shack! - Peter must have been in one of those confused goofy moods! - well at that time a shadow from a cloud passes over and a voice comes out - “This is my chosen Son. Listen to what he says!� -- I wonder if Peter wanted find a balloon to put the cloud in? - hey! - only trying to help out here! -- but it does seem that we see something very spiritual happen or maybe even a miracle - at least I do this -- then want to be able to capture how that happened - put it in a shelter or a balloon so I can pull it out whenever I need it again - and make that miracle happen all over again -- but guess what -- I’m not in control of that stuff- God is in control - God is God - I’m not God - it’s not like I can control God’s Spirit or anything - it’s up to me to listen to what Jesus has to say and do it - not run around trying to be jesus or be God - God is God -- just listen and follow His lead. -- Then Jesus comes upon a boy possessed by a demon - the disciples couldn’t cast out the demon - they need faith -- Jesus does it not problem -- build my faith up Lord - Then Jesus drops another hint/seed- I’m gonna be put to death - well the disciples didn’t know what he was talking about yet- So here again the disciples are fussing over which one of them is the greatest -- that make yourself great like God thing -- Jesus hears them fussing and brings a child over - when you welcome a child because of me- you welcome me -- you must be humble to be great -- whoa -- so we can’t make ourselves great - a child depends on the adults and parents for everything - I must depend on God for everything and be humble in his presence and obey God -- So Jesus sets to go to Jerusalem - he knew what all this meant - some of the people on the way didn’t want to welcome Jesus -- well- that’s there choice and Jesus doesn’t punish them - he just goes on -- then there are those who say -- oh yea - I’ll follow you Jesus but wait - I gotta do this or that first - well forget all that crap -- just follow -- all that crap will take care of itself if you just follow Jesus -- oh - how easy that sounds! -- but there is a big commitment there to make - that commitment is one of the big things I need to do better with - that leap and trust and faith.
Genesis 16 - So Sarai wasn’t having any children like they all expected -- but she did have an Egyptian slave named Hagar -- so Sarai tells Abram - hey go have sex with Hagar and she can have a child for us -- well - I guess things were different then -- or maybe not for some people -- so Abram probably goes whoohoo! Ok -- or maybe not - I don’t know what Hagar looked like - so Hagar gets pregnant and gets all proud cause she can have a baby and begins to get hateful with Sarai - So Abram gets the blame from Sarai -- just like a woman - poor ol Abram - he does what he’s told then there he is - in trouble again! - so Sarai starts treating Hagar badly until Hagar runs away - on the road while running away - an angel meets with Hagar and tells her to go back - she’s gonna have a son and she will name him Ishmael because God has heard her cry - but her son will be like a wild donkey fighting everyone and everyone fighting him - hmmm- think about that a little in light of today
Psalm 9 - Praise God with all your heart - and tell about his wonders - rejoice - celebrate and sing - God will defend you- hey - there is something else in the commentary I am using about - higgayon selah - “The first (higgayon) implies meditation (like Psalm 1.2) - the accompanying sound of the harp (like Psalm 92.3), and the movement of the heart (like Psalm 19.14 -- The second (selah) - probably indicates a pause. The liturgy calls for silent reflection, to be terminated abruptly: “Rise, Lord!� (like Psalm 9.19)
Focus on the Light that comes down to me; that one and only light of Christ - then turn the lights on through me in this dark world in which I live. Let the Light that comes down light up in me and my world. Here and now.
Encourage your neighbors wife and his workers and his cattle to remain loyal -- seems to me there used to be something about his ass too in some older version -- so encourage his ass to remain loyal too! - of all things! - I guess to the farmers - it was important
Matthew 3.13-17 - Jesus is baptized by John and the Sprit descends on him -- I love an adult baptism! - Let me relive my baptism daily in your Spirit!
Philippians 3.1-12 - I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the sharing of this sufferings by becoming like him in his death, if somehow I may attain the resurrection form the dead.
Psalm 134 - Bless God!
Prayer - Jesus - you shine out in this place - shine out in our services today as we praise and worship you - fill us with your Spirit - fill us with your light - fill us with that cloud - come into the shelter of all churches this day and fill all of them with your presence - then invade the hearts of all with your life with your light - renew the baptisms of all your people this day - refresh your people - fill your people to overflowing with your love - let your people show your love so powerfully to each other this day - let them go wild in your love - let them be passionate and compassionate in your love this day with each other - fill us up - fill us way up - then send all your people out - like little kids running out of school to take that overflowing measure of love and grace and hope to their worlds - to tell all the people in their worlds what you have done and how it is all available to anyone - send us out today! -- Amen

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