Thursday, July 13, 2006

July 13th Daily Word and Visions from God

July 13th Daily Word and Visions from God
1 Corinthians 1.18-31-If you're going to blow a horn, blow a trumpet for God.
1 Kings 14-...what he said and did, is all written in "The Chronicles of the Kings of Judah"
Joel 2.1-11-Who can possibly survive this?
Psalm 85.8-13-Love and loyalty will come together...

A lit candle. Red melted wax. The light of the flame. Hot enough to melt the wax. The wax a fuel for the flame. Red of blood-light of Christ-the wax of life melting away in the presence of the heat of light. Like the candle so would sound be- announcing God- the Light announces God and sound would be a trumpet announcing his glory. Like the Light and the Trumpet, the Bible records writings of God active in the lives of people. All sorts of people. God humbling himself and loving people. But I stray- I wander from the Light- I try to avoid the heat- Who can possibly survive this? - I can survive this only through the red blood- the heat of the flame - and the life of Jesus- his sacrifice for my sin- releases me from death- And in this I will survive. The grace of Christ allows my salvation. Nothing that I can do will allow my salvation. Only the love and loyalty of Christ. The flame in the center of the red candle.

Lord, it's all about you- I love you and praise you and will glorify you all my life. -- Amen

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