Tuesday, October 10, 2006

October 10th Daily Word and Visions from God

October 10th Daily Word and Visions from God
Revelation 10-Take it, then eat it. It will taste sweet like honey, but turn sour in your stomach.
Nehemiah 13-Remember me, O my God, for good.
Psalm 104.24-35-Send out your Spirit and they spring to life--the whole countryside in bloom and blossom.
John 12.9-19-Everyone in the world is following Jesus.
The room outside my study room. A place of recreation and relaxation. A place to play a game of pool. A place of conversation. Probably more so for my children in their High School years than anything else. One room away from where I join God in prayer and devotion at the beginning of each day. But in some ways both rooms are recreation. Recreation that brings my re creation in Life from my God. One room away from where I ponder God's Word-- eat it -- sweet like honey-- some days that Word turns sour. I see and feel the pain and suffering Jesus endured for my sin and cry out to God for him to at least remember me. I cry out to God to send his Spirit into my life and cause me to bloom and blossom in his glory. I cry out to God for everyone in the world to follow Jesus. Sweet and sour-Death and Life all in Love. A recreation room. Two of them alike but oh so different too! Thankful for both.
Jesus, re-create me this day in your way. ---Amen

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