Thursday, March 22, 2007

March 22nd Daily Word and Visions from God

Matthew 20.1-16-Or is your eye envious because I am generous? So the last shall be first, and the first last.
Numbers 13-14-So Moses sent them from the wilderness of Paran at the command of the LORD...
Ecclesiastes 9.1-12-Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might...
Isaiah 43.16-21-I will even make a roadway in the wilderness...
"I have made a path through the wilderness. Walk it with Me." Jesus seems to be calling me in this way today. To walk a path in the wilderness with Him. Even though I may see a guard rail to stop me. Even though I may see trees in the way. Even though I may fear a drop off, Jesus has made a path through the wilderness and is ready to walk it with me. Jesus is ready to walk that path and encourage me along the way. Encourage me to use the gifts He has given me with all my might. To work with His gifts as though I am serving God. I hear the call of Moses to go from the wilderness and see the Promised Land. I am sent to see that land and bring back report. To encourage those I am with that they too can make it to the Promised Land. They too can walk that path Jesus has made to the Promised Land. They too can make it. Not of their own accord. They too can make it because Jesus has saved each and every one of us and has set the path in place. Jesus, in His grace, will walk that path with us to the Promised Land. You see the path is about Grace. And in the path it doesn't matter who is first or last. Grace and salvation is offered to all along the path to the Promised Land. Salvation for those with a short journey on the path with Jesus and salvation for those with a long journey on the path of salvation. I'm ready to jump the rail and walk that path with You today Lord. Let's go!
Lord, You give salvation. I'm ready to walk the path out of and through the wilderness with You this day. Maybe we can get a few to join us in our journey along the way. ---Amen

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