Wednesday, November 29, 2006

November 26th Daily Word and Visions from God

Galatians 1- So I greet you with great words, grace and peace!

Jeremiah 47-48-But there's a day that's coming when I'll put thing right in Moab.

Psalm 142-Your people will form a circle around me and you'll bring me showers of blessing!

John 18.33-37-My kingdom doesn't belong to this world.


Another of the several pictures of Eric visiting Sarah. This is Eric's arrival at the Dayton Airport on Friday morning. I had met Eric once before in Hickory. But even so, I greet him with the great words of grace and peace. Two words taught to me by my Savior. Two words that hold a depth of meaning beyond anything I can begin to express. Two words directly from the Word made flesh and the grace and peace he grants to all of us. Two words that point to that day when he will put all things right. Two words that have showered all creation with blessing. Two words that were brought to us by the Word whose kingdom doesn't belong to this world. Thanks be to God for greetings of grace and peace.


Lord, teach me to greet all your children with grace and peace. ---Amen

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