Hymn of the Day
When the poor ones, who have nothing, still are giving; when the thirsty pass the cup, water to share; when the wounded offer others strength and healing: We see God, here by our side, walking our way; we see God, here by our side, walking our way. ("When the Poor Ones" - Text: Jose Antonio Olivar, b. 1939; tr. Martin A. Seltz, b. 1951)
Readings of the Day
Acts 13.26-52-The next sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord.
Joshua 20-21-Thus the LORD gave to Israel all the land that he swore to their ancestors that he would give them; and having taken possession of it, they settled there...Not one of all the good promises that the LORD had made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass.
Job 30-My inward parts are in turmoil, and are never still; days of affliction come to meet me.
John 16.16-24-Very truly, I tell you, you will weep and mourn, but the world will rejoice; you will have pain, but your pain will turn into joy...So you have pain now; but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no none will take your joy from you.
God's Word of the Day
I keep My promises. I fulfill My vows. Listen to me. You will have pain and sorrow; but I will return and give you joy beyond understanding. See, I AM with you now in your pain and sorrow. Hang in there with me and wait. My joy will be made complete. I keep My promises.
Psalm of the Day
I hear of the promise of a greater land.
I see what You have done.
Your action is real.
Your action is here and now.
You prove Your faithfulness, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
I look around and You are everywhere.
You are present in the poor and suffering.
You are present in the compassion and pain.
You come out through so many people and places.
I know that You are here.
Here in my pain and suffering.
Here with me laughing.
Here with me in conversation.
Here with me in prayer.
What a joy You bring to me each day.
I turn and listen to Your Voice.
Be with me today, tomorrow and always.
I am looking to that day that joy will be made complete.
But for now, use me, be in me, work through me so...
That another may see You through me this day.
Prayer of the Day
In my pain and sorrow, I know of Your presence. I wait for the day that joy will be made complete. But for now, forgive me I pray and use me this day. ---Amen
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
April 30th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:12 AM
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
April 29th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
All who love and serve your city, all who bear its daily stress, all who cry for peace and justice, all who curse and all who bless. ("All Who Love and Serve Your City" - Text: Erik Routley, 1917-1982)
Readings of the Day
Acts 13.1-25-You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord?
Joshua 18-19-So they finished dividing the land.
Job 29-O that I were as in the months of old...
Deuteronomy 5.22-33-You must follow exactly the path that the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live...
God's Word of the Day
Watch out for the devil. He is full of deceit and villainy. I have provided and inheritance for you. Just like in the old days; I keep my promise. Follow My path and live.
Psalm of the Day
Watch out!
Watch out for the evil that surrounds!
I hear Your Voice to look out for deceit and villainy.
Point it out to me if needed.
You have made a promise.
You have chosen and rescued me.
You are my Savior!
You remember days of old and keep Your Word.
I will follow Your Voice.
I will go with You, my Savior, my Lord.
I will go and serve in Your city.
I will go aware of the evil that surrounds.
I will go in aware of Life in You.
Prayer of the Day
Evil that surrounds me and is within me; I will be cautious. Forgive my sin. Free me dear Lord, that I may follow Your voice into the city to serve and love in Your Name. ---Amen
All who love and serve your city, all who bear its daily stress, all who cry for peace and justice, all who curse and all who bless. ("All Who Love and Serve Your City" - Text: Erik Routley, 1917-1982)
Readings of the Day
Acts 13.1-25-You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord?
Joshua 18-19-So they finished dividing the land.
Job 29-O that I were as in the months of old...
Deuteronomy 5.22-33-You must follow exactly the path that the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live...
God's Word of the Day
Watch out for the devil. He is full of deceit and villainy. I have provided and inheritance for you. Just like in the old days; I keep my promise. Follow My path and live.
Psalm of the Day
Watch out!
Watch out for the evil that surrounds!
I hear Your Voice to look out for deceit and villainy.
Point it out to me if needed.
You have made a promise.
You have chosen and rescued me.
You are my Savior!
You remember days of old and keep Your Word.
I will follow Your Voice.
I will go with You, my Savior, my Lord.
I will go and serve in Your city.
I will go aware of the evil that surrounds.
I will go in aware of Life in You.
Prayer of the Day
Evil that surrounds me and is within me; I will be cautious. Forgive my sin. Free me dear Lord, that I may follow Your voice into the city to serve and love in Your Name. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:28 AM
Monday, April 28, 2008
April 28th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
My soul cries out with a joyful shout that the God of my heart is great, and my spirit sings of the wondrous things that you bring to the ones who wait. You fixed your sight on your servant's plight, and my weakness you did not spurn, so from east to west shall my name be blest. Could the world be about to turn? My heart shall sing of the day you bring. Let the fires of your justice burn. Wipe away all tears, for the dawn draws near, and the world is about to turn. ("Canticle of the Turning" - Text: Rory Cooney, b. 1952, based on the Magnificat)
Readings of the Day
Acts 12-He tapped Peter on the side and woke him, saying, "Get up quickly." And the chains fell off his wrists.
Joshua 15-17-Then allotment was made...
Job 28-Truly, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.
Genesis 9.8-17-I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh...
God's Word of the Day
I have set some boundaries for you. But I have also freed you from the prison of sin. Let the chains fall, let My Wisdom reign in you. You are free from sin. Remember the promise and go! Serve Me in My Kingdom.
Psalm of the Day
Lord, You bring about change.
You change my heart.
You let the chains of sin fall from my arms.
You permit me to freely serve in Your Kingdom.
You teach me Your Wisdom.
How deep, how wide, how awesome You are!
You keep and fulfill all promises.
You care and love for me all life long.
Lord, You bring about change.
Change in me.
Change in my heart.
Resurrection in Life.
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen in me!
Prayer of the Day
Mold me this day and tomorrow and forever into what You wish me to be. Let me ever be attentive to what You want. Teach me how to serve and love in Your Kingdom this day. ---Amen
My soul cries out with a joyful shout that the God of my heart is great, and my spirit sings of the wondrous things that you bring to the ones who wait. You fixed your sight on your servant's plight, and my weakness you did not spurn, so from east to west shall my name be blest. Could the world be about to turn? My heart shall sing of the day you bring. Let the fires of your justice burn. Wipe away all tears, for the dawn draws near, and the world is about to turn. ("Canticle of the Turning" - Text: Rory Cooney, b. 1952, based on the Magnificat)
Readings of the Day
Acts 12-He tapped Peter on the side and woke him, saying, "Get up quickly." And the chains fell off his wrists.
Joshua 15-17-Then allotment was made...
Job 28-Truly, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.
Genesis 9.8-17-I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh...
God's Word of the Day
I have set some boundaries for you. But I have also freed you from the prison of sin. Let the chains fall, let My Wisdom reign in you. You are free from sin. Remember the promise and go! Serve Me in My Kingdom.
Psalm of the Day
Lord, You bring about change.
You change my heart.
You let the chains of sin fall from my arms.
You permit me to freely serve in Your Kingdom.
You teach me Your Wisdom.
How deep, how wide, how awesome You are!
You keep and fulfill all promises.
You care and love for me all life long.
Lord, You bring about change.
Change in me.
Change in my heart.
Resurrection in Life.
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen in me!
Prayer of the Day
Mold me this day and tomorrow and forever into what You wish me to be. Let me ever be attentive to what You want. Teach me how to serve and love in Your Kingdom this day. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:24 AM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
April 27th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
O Christ, create new hearts in us that beat in time with yours, that, joined by faith with your great heart, become love's open doors. We are your body, risen Christ; our hearts, our hands we yield that through our life and ministry your love may be revealed. ("O Christ, Your Heart, Compassionate" - Text: Herman G. Stuempfle Jr., b. 1923)
Readings of the Day
Acts 11.19-30-When he came and saw the grace of God, he rejoiced, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast devotion...
Joshua 13-14-...because he wholeheartedly followed the LORD, the God of Israel.
Job 27-I hold fast my righteousness, and will not let it go...
John 14.15-21-They who have my commandments and keep them are those who love me; and those who love me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them.
God's Word of the Day
I reveal Myself to you and in you. Be steadfast and righteous. Do not let go of Me. Keep My commandments of love. Love me and the Father loves you.
Psalm of the Day
Ol' Dad just got rode too hard.
It's time to put 'im down.
In my stubbornness, I turn from the Father.
I rebel and even do some mean things.
No doubt the Father is hurt by my actions.
I've cause some deep pain to the One who loves me most.
And then my stubborn attitude sets in.
I turn to others rather than appreciate my Father.
I turn away.
I curl inward into myself.
I fail to return to my Father and show appreciation for His Love.
How does the Father react to the pain I have caused?
He gives His very Life to me.
He dies for me to live.
He doesn't pout in the midst of the pain I caused.
He doesn't curl inward in self-pity.
He gives all to let me live.
He acts out of Love.
He opens up all of Himself and gives it all!
My Father reveals Love too deep for my understanding.
My Father reveals Compassion in the midst of His own pain.
My Father takes on all the pain and rejection I've induced and gives me Love.
Forgive me Father for how I act.
You teach me how to act with those I love, here and now.
You show me to open up and not curl in when pain is inflicted by someone I deeply love.
You tell me to be righteous and stand up for Love yet give my life through the pain and hurt.
Through Your action with Jesus, you show me how to love in the midst of pain.
It's a hard lesson to learn.
It's even a harder action to take.
Lead me and guide me into active Love from and through You.
Help me to be the man and father I need to be.
Open me up from this curled in position to be vulnerable and loving.
Open up my heart and let me feel the pain of rejection.
For now I see, through Your Love, that when opened up...
Your Love will flow out...
Flow out to the world...
Flow out to the ones You give...
Your Love flows out...
In my death to Your Life...
There is a Life in You.
Thanks be to God!
Open me up!
Open me up, today, tomorrow and forever!
Rise in me this day, Alleluia!
Prayer of the Day
Forgive me when I curl into my own pain. I give my life away. Open me up and fill me with Your Life that Your Love may flow freely through me this day. ---Amen
O Christ, create new hearts in us that beat in time with yours, that, joined by faith with your great heart, become love's open doors. We are your body, risen Christ; our hearts, our hands we yield that through our life and ministry your love may be revealed. ("O Christ, Your Heart, Compassionate" - Text: Herman G. Stuempfle Jr., b. 1923)
Readings of the Day
Acts 11.19-30-When he came and saw the grace of God, he rejoiced, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast devotion...
Joshua 13-14-...because he wholeheartedly followed the LORD, the God of Israel.
Job 27-I hold fast my righteousness, and will not let it go...
John 14.15-21-They who have my commandments and keep them are those who love me; and those who love me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them.
God's Word of the Day
I reveal Myself to you and in you. Be steadfast and righteous. Do not let go of Me. Keep My commandments of love. Love me and the Father loves you.
Psalm of the Day
Ol' Dad just got rode too hard.
It's time to put 'im down.
In my stubbornness, I turn from the Father.
I rebel and even do some mean things.
No doubt the Father is hurt by my actions.
I've cause some deep pain to the One who loves me most.
And then my stubborn attitude sets in.
I turn to others rather than appreciate my Father.
I turn away.
I curl inward into myself.
I fail to return to my Father and show appreciation for His Love.
How does the Father react to the pain I have caused?
He gives His very Life to me.
He dies for me to live.
He doesn't pout in the midst of the pain I caused.
He doesn't curl inward in self-pity.
He gives all to let me live.
He acts out of Love.
He opens up all of Himself and gives it all!
My Father reveals Love too deep for my understanding.
My Father reveals Compassion in the midst of His own pain.
My Father takes on all the pain and rejection I've induced and gives me Love.
Forgive me Father for how I act.
You teach me how to act with those I love, here and now.
You show me to open up and not curl in when pain is inflicted by someone I deeply love.
You tell me to be righteous and stand up for Love yet give my life through the pain and hurt.
Through Your action with Jesus, you show me how to love in the midst of pain.
It's a hard lesson to learn.
It's even a harder action to take.
Lead me and guide me into active Love from and through You.
Help me to be the man and father I need to be.
Open me up from this curled in position to be vulnerable and loving.
Open up my heart and let me feel the pain of rejection.
For now I see, through Your Love, that when opened up...
Your Love will flow out...
Flow out to the world...
Flow out to the ones You give...
Your Love flows out...
In my death to Your Life...
There is a Life in You.
Thanks be to God!
Open me up!
Open me up, today, tomorrow and forever!
Rise in me this day, Alleluia!
Prayer of the Day
Forgive me when I curl into my own pain. I give my life away. Open me up and fill me with Your Life that Your Love may flow freely through me this day. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
7:36 AM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
April 26th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Goodness is stronger than evil; love is stronger than hate; light is stronger than darkness; life is stronger than death; victory is ours, victory is ours, through God who loves us. Victory is ours, victory is ours, through God who loves us. ("Goodness Is Stronger than Evil" - Text: From An African Prayer Book, Desmond Tutu, b. 1931)
Readings of the Day
Acts 11.1-18-...he will give you a message by which you and your entire household will be saved.
Joshua 11-12-And the land had rest from war.
Job 26-These are indeed but the outskirts of his ways...
Psalm 66.8-20-...we went through fire and through water; yet you brought us out to a spacious place.
God's Word of the Day
I AM victorious. Through Me, the victory is yours. This is just the outskirts of My ways. I have brought you through the fire and promise a spacious place. Trust in Me and rejoice in the victory.
Psalm of the Day
You speak of a victory.
This victory You have gained and blessed me with the joy it brings.
Victory is ours!
Victory which is only the outskirt of Your ways.
Your ways are beyond anything I can fathom.
Victory is ours!
You have brought me through the fire.
You have blessed me with the water.
Victory is ours!
I see that spacious place.
I long for You!
Victory is ours!
You bring rest from war.
Victory is ours!
Christ has risen!
He has risen in me!
He has risen indeed!
Victory is ours!
Prayer of the Day
This day I celebrate a victory which You have given. Victory over sin, death and the devil! Victory is our! Thanks be to God! ---Amen
Goodness is stronger than evil; love is stronger than hate; light is stronger than darkness; life is stronger than death; victory is ours, victory is ours, through God who loves us. Victory is ours, victory is ours, through God who loves us. ("Goodness Is Stronger than Evil" - Text: From An African Prayer Book, Desmond Tutu, b. 1931)
Readings of the Day
Acts 11.1-18-...he will give you a message by which you and your entire household will be saved.
Joshua 11-12-And the land had rest from war.
Job 26-These are indeed but the outskirts of his ways...
Psalm 66.8-20-...we went through fire and through water; yet you brought us out to a spacious place.
God's Word of the Day
I AM victorious. Through Me, the victory is yours. This is just the outskirts of My ways. I have brought you through the fire and promise a spacious place. Trust in Me and rejoice in the victory.
Psalm of the Day
You speak of a victory.
This victory You have gained and blessed me with the joy it brings.
Victory is ours!
Victory which is only the outskirt of Your ways.
Your ways are beyond anything I can fathom.
Victory is ours!
You have brought me through the fire.
You have blessed me with the water.
Victory is ours!
I see that spacious place.
I long for You!
Victory is ours!
You bring rest from war.
Victory is ours!
Christ has risen!
He has risen in me!
He has risen indeed!
Victory is ours!
Prayer of the Day
This day I celebrate a victory which You have given. Victory over sin, death and the devil! Victory is our! Thanks be to God! ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
6:19 PM
Friday, April 25, 2008
April 25th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Sing! Sing a new song! Sing of that great day when all will be one! God will reign, and we'll walk with each other as sisters and brothers ... united in love. We are called to act with justice, we are called to love tenderly; we are called to serve one another, to walk humbly with God. ("We Are Called" - Text: David Haas, b. 1957)
Readings of the Day
Acts 10.34-48-While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard the word.
Joshua 9-10-Joshua took all these kings and their land at one time, because the LORD God of Israel fought for Israel.
Job 25-How then can a mortal be righteous before God?
Mark 1.1-15-The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.
God's Word of the Day
I AM the Warrior. I have fought the fight for you. Now, unite in My Love. Repent, believe and hear the good news of My battle won. Stand up and love one another. Unite and serve each other. Walk humbly in My Love; be bold and receive My Spirit. I send you to battle. I send you filled with My Love.
Psalm of the Day
You are my Warrior.
You are the one who fought the fight and won.
You equip me for battle too.
But how different this is.
You have equipped me with freedom to love and serve and walk humbly.
It's so different than what I expected.
But it's also so very freeing!
It's refreshing to fight in Your Kingdom.
It's fun to use the tools of war You have given.
Love, Justice, Humility, Service.
Yet it's all so powerful at the same time.
I come to You each day and repent.
You always give me all that I need.
Then You call me and send me.
I see and know that it's only because of You that I live.
I see and know that I need You.
I see and know You...and that's all I need.
Now I go...
I go to battle in Your Kingdom.
I go with You by my side.
I go with these wonderful battle tools You have provided.
I go in Your Love to fight Your fight.
I go...
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I lay before You my sin - I seek Your forgiveness. I want so dearly to go into the battle today with Your gifts of forgiveness, love, humility, service and joy in the calling. Send me I pray filled with Your Spirit to the battle today. ---Amen
Sing! Sing a new song! Sing of that great day when all will be one! God will reign, and we'll walk with each other as sisters and brothers ... united in love. We are called to act with justice, we are called to love tenderly; we are called to serve one another, to walk humbly with God. ("We Are Called" - Text: David Haas, b. 1957)
Readings of the Day
Acts 10.34-48-While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard the word.
Joshua 9-10-Joshua took all these kings and their land at one time, because the LORD God of Israel fought for Israel.
Job 25-How then can a mortal be righteous before God?
Mark 1.1-15-The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.
God's Word of the Day
I AM the Warrior. I have fought the fight for you. Now, unite in My Love. Repent, believe and hear the good news of My battle won. Stand up and love one another. Unite and serve each other. Walk humbly in My Love; be bold and receive My Spirit. I send you to battle. I send you filled with My Love.
Psalm of the Day
You are my Warrior.
You are the one who fought the fight and won.
You equip me for battle too.
But how different this is.
You have equipped me with freedom to love and serve and walk humbly.
It's so different than what I expected.
But it's also so very freeing!
It's refreshing to fight in Your Kingdom.
It's fun to use the tools of war You have given.
Love, Justice, Humility, Service.
Yet it's all so powerful at the same time.
I come to You each day and repent.
You always give me all that I need.
Then You call me and send me.
I see and know that it's only because of You that I live.
I see and know that I need You.
I see and know You...and that's all I need.
Now I go...
I go to battle in Your Kingdom.
I go with You by my side.
I go with these wonderful battle tools You have provided.
I go in Your Love to fight Your fight.
I go...
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I lay before You my sin - I seek Your forgiveness. I want so dearly to go into the battle today with Your gifts of forgiveness, love, humility, service and joy in the calling. Send me I pray filled with Your Spirit to the battle today. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:53 AM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
April 24th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Rise from the grave now, O Lord, the author of life and creation. Treading the pathway of death, new life you give to us all: Hail thee, festival day! Blest day to be hallowed forever; day when our Lord was raised, breaking the kingdom of death. ("Hail Thee, Festival Day!" - Text: Venantius Honorius Fortunatus, 530-609; tr. Lutheran book of Worship)
Readings of the Day
Acts 10.1-33-What God has made clean, you must not call profane.
Joshua 7-8-Then the LORD said to Joshua, "Do not fear or be dismayed..."
Job 24-There are those who rebel against the light...
Acts 27.1-12-"Sirs, I can see that the voyage will be with danger and much heavy loss, not only of the cargo and the ship, but also of our lives."
God's Word of the Day
I AM on your voyage with you. It will be dangerous. You will lose your life. But through me and through the grave that I traveled; your loss of life with be a new life in Me. Take the voyage with me from death to Life in Me.
Psalm of the Day
You picked me up and raised me from my death in sin to new life in You.
You decided to use me even in my sin.
It's amazing to me how deep and wide Your love is.
So I rejoice in what was profane that You have made clean.
You cleansed the Gentile and called them chosen.
With You, I need not fear.
With You, I can act boldly and confidently.
With You, I will battle in the Kingdom to Your glory.
You give the blessing and power needed to live the life of love You call each of us into.
You permit us to walk into the Light rather than flee to the darkness of sin.
So I go this day; knowing that I go in You.
I go this day knowing that all my cargo and very life will be lost.
Lost to You but gained through You.
For through You, the author of Life and creator...
Through You I am lead through the pathway of death to new life.
Hail that Festival Day!
Day when our Lord was raised.
Breaking the kingdom of death!
Christ has risen!
He has risen me!
Alleluia! Christ has risen indeed!
Prayer of the Day
Lead me into the Kingdom today. Lead me in Love. Lead me in Your power and glory. Show me the way. Break the kingdom of death and break into the glory of Light for all to see. ---Amen
Rise from the grave now, O Lord, the author of life and creation. Treading the pathway of death, new life you give to us all: Hail thee, festival day! Blest day to be hallowed forever; day when our Lord was raised, breaking the kingdom of death. ("Hail Thee, Festival Day!" - Text: Venantius Honorius Fortunatus, 530-609; tr. Lutheran book of Worship)
Readings of the Day
Acts 10.1-33-What God has made clean, you must not call profane.
Joshua 7-8-Then the LORD said to Joshua, "Do not fear or be dismayed..."
Job 24-There are those who rebel against the light...
Acts 27.1-12-"Sirs, I can see that the voyage will be with danger and much heavy loss, not only of the cargo and the ship, but also of our lives."
God's Word of the Day
I AM on your voyage with you. It will be dangerous. You will lose your life. But through me and through the grave that I traveled; your loss of life with be a new life in Me. Take the voyage with me from death to Life in Me.
Psalm of the Day
You picked me up and raised me from my death in sin to new life in You.
You decided to use me even in my sin.
It's amazing to me how deep and wide Your love is.
So I rejoice in what was profane that You have made clean.
You cleansed the Gentile and called them chosen.
With You, I need not fear.
With You, I can act boldly and confidently.
With You, I will battle in the Kingdom to Your glory.
You give the blessing and power needed to live the life of love You call each of us into.
You permit us to walk into the Light rather than flee to the darkness of sin.
So I go this day; knowing that I go in You.
I go this day knowing that all my cargo and very life will be lost.
Lost to You but gained through You.
For through You, the author of Life and creator...
Through You I am lead through the pathway of death to new life.
Hail that Festival Day!
Day when our Lord was raised.
Breaking the kingdom of death!
Christ has risen!
He has risen me!
Alleluia! Christ has risen indeed!
Prayer of the Day
Lead me into the Kingdom today. Lead me in Love. Lead me in Your power and glory. Show me the way. Break the kingdom of death and break into the glory of Light for all to see. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:18 AM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
April 23rd Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
O risen Christ, ascended Lord, all praise to you let earth accord: Alleluia! Alleluia! You are, while endless ages run, with Father and with Spirit one. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! ("A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing!" - Text: Bede, 673-735; tr. Lutheran Book of Worship)
Readings of the Day
Acts 9.26-43-...how on the road he had seen the Lord...
Joshua 5.2-6.27-"Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand is holy."
Job 23-...I have treasured in my bosom the words of his mouth.
John 8.31-38-"If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
God's Word of the Day
You have seen my glory. You have seen Life. Now listen to Me. Hang in there, for you have been honored to be with Me. I walk with you and make the ground you trod holy. Rejoice and continue in My Word. It will set you free.
Psalm of the Day
Sometimes I begin to doubt life.
There is pain, there is healing, then there is nagging side effects.
I wonder why I have to go through all of this.
I know it must be something I've done.
Then I ponder all You went through.
I see how minute this stuff I endure really is.
I see Your Love so deep and wide.
I see my petty complaints.
Forgive me for being so selfish.
Forgive me for turning inward.
Teach me how to open up.
Open up Your Love in me to all the world.
Teach me how to pour myself out.
Place me on that road where I see You.
Put me next to You on holy ground.
Let Your treasured Word be at my core.
Send me with Your Truth each day.
Openly pouring out of me Your Love and Truth.
Prayer of the Day
Unfold me in my selfishness and pain. Open me up to let Your Love flow out into the world You send me this day. ---Amen
O risen Christ, ascended Lord, all praise to you let earth accord: Alleluia! Alleluia! You are, while endless ages run, with Father and with Spirit one. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! ("A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing!" - Text: Bede, 673-735; tr. Lutheran Book of Worship)
Readings of the Day
Acts 9.26-43-...how on the road he had seen the Lord...
Joshua 5.2-6.27-"Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand is holy."
Job 23-...I have treasured in my bosom the words of his mouth.
John 8.31-38-"If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
God's Word of the Day
You have seen my glory. You have seen Life. Now listen to Me. Hang in there, for you have been honored to be with Me. I walk with you and make the ground you trod holy. Rejoice and continue in My Word. It will set you free.
Psalm of the Day
Sometimes I begin to doubt life.
There is pain, there is healing, then there is nagging side effects.
I wonder why I have to go through all of this.
I know it must be something I've done.
Then I ponder all You went through.
I see how minute this stuff I endure really is.
I see Your Love so deep and wide.
I see my petty complaints.
Forgive me for being so selfish.
Forgive me for turning inward.
Teach me how to open up.
Open up Your Love in me to all the world.
Teach me how to pour myself out.
Place me on that road where I see You.
Put me next to You on holy ground.
Let Your treasured Word be at my core.
Send me with Your Truth each day.
Openly pouring out of me Your Love and Truth.
Prayer of the Day
Unfold me in my selfishness and pain. Open me up to let Your Love flow out into the world You send me this day. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:31 AM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
April 22nd Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Alleluia! Bread of heaven, here on earth our food, our stay; alleluia! here the sinful flee to you from day to day. Intercessor, friend of sinners, earth's redeemer, hear our plea where the songs of all the sinless sweep a cross the crystal sea. ("Alleluia! Sing to Jesus" - Text: William C. Dix, 1837-1898, alt.)
Readings of the Day
Acts 9.1-25-But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is an instrument whom I have chosen to bring my name before Gentiles and kings and before the people of Israel; I myself will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name."
Joshua 3.1-5.1-Joshua then said to the Israelites, "Draw near and hear the words of the LORD your God."
Job 22-Receive instruction from his mouth, and lay up his words in your heart.
Proverbs 3.5-12-Honor the LORD with substance and with the first fruits of all your produce...
God's Word of the Day
Listen, hear My Word, receive instruction. I am with you and want your first fruits. I have chosen you and called you to proclaim My Name to those I give you to. Go!
Psalm of the Day
Wow! You choose some pretty scary people!
You chose Saul, a murderer!
You likewise chose me, from all the sinful!
Fill me with Your Word.
Give me Your instruction.
Let me listen and hear what You have to say.
Make me into the instrument You choose.
For You have given me Your first fruits.
You graciously give me the bread and wine.
You gave Your very being for me.
Now I return to You my being.
I give You myself to mold into that instrument You choose.
Send me, I pray to play the music You give.
Send me to proclaim Your Name, loud and clear and wonderfully beautiful.
I go, knowing you are my Friend.
I go, feeling Your presence.
I go, a loyal friend to You.
Alleluia! Christ has risen!
He has risen in me!
He has risen indeed!
Prayer of the Day
How I want to play the tune You give today. I go with You, my Friend. I give You all thanks and glory for choosing me. I go, bold and joyful. I go, giving You all the thanks and glory. What fun this is! Let's play! ---Amen
Alleluia! Bread of heaven, here on earth our food, our stay; alleluia! here the sinful flee to you from day to day. Intercessor, friend of sinners, earth's redeemer, hear our plea where the songs of all the sinless sweep a cross the crystal sea. ("Alleluia! Sing to Jesus" - Text: William C. Dix, 1837-1898, alt.)
Readings of the Day
Acts 9.1-25-But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is an instrument whom I have chosen to bring my name before Gentiles and kings and before the people of Israel; I myself will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name."
Joshua 3.1-5.1-Joshua then said to the Israelites, "Draw near and hear the words of the LORD your God."
Job 22-Receive instruction from his mouth, and lay up his words in your heart.
Proverbs 3.5-12-Honor the LORD with substance and with the first fruits of all your produce...
God's Word of the Day
Listen, hear My Word, receive instruction. I am with you and want your first fruits. I have chosen you and called you to proclaim My Name to those I give you to. Go!
Psalm of the Day
Wow! You choose some pretty scary people!
You chose Saul, a murderer!
You likewise chose me, from all the sinful!
Fill me with Your Word.
Give me Your instruction.
Let me listen and hear what You have to say.
Make me into the instrument You choose.
For You have given me Your first fruits.
You graciously give me the bread and wine.
You gave Your very being for me.
Now I return to You my being.
I give You myself to mold into that instrument You choose.
Send me, I pray to play the music You give.
Send me to proclaim Your Name, loud and clear and wonderfully beautiful.
I go, knowing you are my Friend.
I go, feeling Your presence.
I go, a loyal friend to You.
Alleluia! Christ has risen!
He has risen in me!
He has risen indeed!
Prayer of the Day
How I want to play the tune You give today. I go with You, my Friend. I give You all thanks and glory for choosing me. I go, bold and joyful. I go, giving You all the thanks and glory. What fun this is! Let's play! ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:25 AM
Monday, April 21, 2008
April 21st Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
This joyful Eastertide, away with sin and sorrow! My love, the Crucified, has sprung to life this morrow. Had Christ, who once was slain, not burst his three-day prison, our faith had been in vain. But now has Christ arisen, arisen, arisen, arisen. ("This Joyful Eastertide" - Text: Gearoge R. Woodward, 1848-1934)
Readings of the Day
Acts 8.26-40-Look, here is water! What is to prevent me from being baptized?
Joshua 1-2-I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.
Job 21-What is the Almighty, that we should serve him?
Exodus 13.17-22-So God led the people by the roundabout way of the wilderness toward the Red Sea.
God's Word of the Day
I have arisen and even though your journey may seem to be the roundabout way; know that I have arisen and am with you. You are my baptized called child; serve and follow Me.
Psalm of the Day
Whew! Sometimes it seems I'm going the long way through life.
I feel like I'm on the wrong path.
I feel pain and suffering sometimes.
Other times, I know and see all Your blessings.
This journey seems to be the roundabout way.
But I know of Your presence.
I see You beside me.
I see that You have arisen.
I see that You know pain, suffering and joy and laughter.
All that I experience; You have experienced too.
Along the way there was some water.
You saw the water and combined that water with Your Word.
You combined that water and Word with a promise.
You baptized me and called me Your own.
So now I see Your salvation.
I see Your glory.
I tie that ribbon on my home for salvation.
In the battle you spare me.
You rescue me and call me from the war to follow You.
Today I will follow You.
Today I will listen to Your voice.
Today I will serve You.
What a joy!
Sometimes it seems like I'm going the long way through life!
But that life is in You!
What a joy!
Thanks be to God!
Christ has risen!
He has risen indeed!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, take me the long way around. What a joy the wilderness is when I'm with You and You're with me. What a joy! ---Amen
This joyful Eastertide, away with sin and sorrow! My love, the Crucified, has sprung to life this morrow. Had Christ, who once was slain, not burst his three-day prison, our faith had been in vain. But now has Christ arisen, arisen, arisen, arisen. ("This Joyful Eastertide" - Text: Gearoge R. Woodward, 1848-1934)
Readings of the Day
Acts 8.26-40-Look, here is water! What is to prevent me from being baptized?
Joshua 1-2-I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.
Job 21-What is the Almighty, that we should serve him?
Exodus 13.17-22-So God led the people by the roundabout way of the wilderness toward the Red Sea.
God's Word of the Day
I have arisen and even though your journey may seem to be the roundabout way; know that I have arisen and am with you. You are my baptized called child; serve and follow Me.
Psalm of the Day
Whew! Sometimes it seems I'm going the long way through life.
I feel like I'm on the wrong path.
I feel pain and suffering sometimes.
Other times, I know and see all Your blessings.
This journey seems to be the roundabout way.
But I know of Your presence.
I see You beside me.
I see that You have arisen.
I see that You know pain, suffering and joy and laughter.
All that I experience; You have experienced too.
Along the way there was some water.
You saw the water and combined that water with Your Word.
You combined that water and Word with a promise.
You baptized me and called me Your own.
So now I see Your salvation.
I see Your glory.
I tie that ribbon on my home for salvation.
In the battle you spare me.
You rescue me and call me from the war to follow You.
Today I will follow You.
Today I will listen to Your voice.
Today I will serve You.
What a joy!
Sometimes it seems like I'm going the long way through life!
But that life is in You!
What a joy!
Thanks be to God!
Christ has risen!
He has risen indeed!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, take me the long way around. What a joy the wilderness is when I'm with You and You're with me. What a joy! ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:19 AM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
April 20th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
The risen Christ, who breaks with wounded hand the bread for those who fail to understand, reveals himself, despite their lingering tears, enflames their hearts, then quickly disappears. ("The Risen Christ" - Text: Nigel Weaver, b. 1952)
Readings of the Day
Acts 8.1b-25-That day a severe persecution began against the church in Jerusalem...
Deuteronomy 33-34-Never since has there arisen a prophet in Israel like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face.
Job 20-Do you not know this from of old, ever since mortals were placed on earth, that the exulting of the wicked is short, and the joy of the godless is but for a moment?
John 14.1-14-Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
God's Word of the Day
I know you and I have revealed Myself to you. See Me and live. Turn from sin and abide in Me. I am the way and the truth and the life.
Psalm of the Day
Sometimes in my sinfulness I fail to see You, Lord.
I fail to understand what You have done.
Then I see Your scarred hands.
I see You break the bread and offer the wine.
I realize the suffering in body and the shed blood.
I see and begin to understand.
You have provided faith and hope and life.
You have given the way to salvation.
You are the door.
You alone.
You warn me of persecution.
You tell me I will have pain.
But knowing all You have done.
This pain and persecution turn into joy.
Joy of Life in You.
Joy to serve You.
Joy and hope of everlasting Love in You and in the Father.
You, Lord, the way the truth the life.
I see Your wounded hands.
I see the Life You gave.
I give You all glory and honor and praise.
Now, tomorrow and forever!
Prayer of the Day
Thank You Jesus- thank You for the suffering and dying. Thank You for salvation. Thank You for life. Thank You Jesus ---Amen
The risen Christ, who breaks with wounded hand the bread for those who fail to understand, reveals himself, despite their lingering tears, enflames their hearts, then quickly disappears. ("The Risen Christ" - Text: Nigel Weaver, b. 1952)
Readings of the Day
Acts 8.1b-25-That day a severe persecution began against the church in Jerusalem...
Deuteronomy 33-34-Never since has there arisen a prophet in Israel like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face.
Job 20-Do you not know this from of old, ever since mortals were placed on earth, that the exulting of the wicked is short, and the joy of the godless is but for a moment?
John 14.1-14-Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
God's Word of the Day
I know you and I have revealed Myself to you. See Me and live. Turn from sin and abide in Me. I am the way and the truth and the life.
Psalm of the Day
Sometimes in my sinfulness I fail to see You, Lord.
I fail to understand what You have done.
Then I see Your scarred hands.
I see You break the bread and offer the wine.
I realize the suffering in body and the shed blood.
I see and begin to understand.
You have provided faith and hope and life.
You have given the way to salvation.
You are the door.
You alone.
You warn me of persecution.
You tell me I will have pain.
But knowing all You have done.
This pain and persecution turn into joy.
Joy of Life in You.
Joy to serve You.
Joy and hope of everlasting Love in You and in the Father.
You, Lord, the way the truth the life.
I see Your wounded hands.
I see the Life You gave.
I give You all glory and honor and praise.
Now, tomorrow and forever!
Prayer of the Day
Thank You Jesus- thank You for the suffering and dying. Thank You for salvation. Thank You for life. Thank You Jesus ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
6:52 AM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
April 19th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Christ is alive! No longer bound to distant years in Palestine, but saving, healing, here and now, and touching every place and time. ("Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing" - Text: Brian A. Wren, b. 1936)
Readings of the Day
Acts 7.23-8.1a-...and I have come down to rescue them.
Deuteronomy 31-32-For I will proclaim the name of the LORD; ascribe greatness to our God!
Job 19-For I know that my Redeemer lives, and that at the last he will stand upon the earth; and after my skin has been thus destroyed, then in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see on my side, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. My heart faints within me!
Psalm 31.1-5, 15-16-You are indeed my rock and my fortress; for your name's sake lead me and guide me, take me out of the net that is hidden for me, for you are my refuge. Into your hand I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me, O LORD, faithful God.
God's Word of the Day
I had to come down to you. I had to save you from yourself. I have saved you. Now rejoice in Me. Proclaim My glory. I AM your Redeemer. I AM your Savior.
Psalm of the Day
How glad I am that You came down.
Came down to rescue me from the net of sin.
Come down to save me from myself.
Come down to free me from sin and death.
How I rejoice in You.
You are the only path to salvation.
Not my works but Your work alone saves.
And in this salvation; I am free.
Free to serve faithfully and boldly.
Free from the worry of sin and death.
Free to return what You have first given.
Free to give my life away to You and those You give to me.
How glad I am that You came down!
Prayer of the Day
Resurrected Lord Jesus. Come down and in to me this day. Fill me with Your Love. Show me Your Way. Guide me along Your Plan---today, tomorrow and forever. ---Amen
Christ is alive! No longer bound to distant years in Palestine, but saving, healing, here and now, and touching every place and time. ("Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing" - Text: Brian A. Wren, b. 1936)
Readings of the Day
Acts 7.23-8.1a-...and I have come down to rescue them.
Deuteronomy 31-32-For I will proclaim the name of the LORD; ascribe greatness to our God!
Job 19-For I know that my Redeemer lives, and that at the last he will stand upon the earth; and after my skin has been thus destroyed, then in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see on my side, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. My heart faints within me!
Psalm 31.1-5, 15-16-You are indeed my rock and my fortress; for your name's sake lead me and guide me, take me out of the net that is hidden for me, for you are my refuge. Into your hand I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me, O LORD, faithful God.
God's Word of the Day
I had to come down to you. I had to save you from yourself. I have saved you. Now rejoice in Me. Proclaim My glory. I AM your Redeemer. I AM your Savior.
Psalm of the Day
How glad I am that You came down.
Came down to rescue me from the net of sin.
Come down to save me from myself.
Come down to free me from sin and death.
How I rejoice in You.
You are the only path to salvation.
Not my works but Your work alone saves.
And in this salvation; I am free.
Free to serve faithfully and boldly.
Free from the worry of sin and death.
Free to return what You have first given.
Free to give my life away to You and those You give to me.
How glad I am that You came down!
Prayer of the Day
Resurrected Lord Jesus. Come down and in to me this day. Fill me with Your Love. Show me Your Way. Guide me along Your Plan---today, tomorrow and forever. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
6:08 AM
Friday, April 18, 2008
April 18th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Be not afraid, sing out for joy! Christ is risen, alleluia! Be not afraid, sing out for joy! Christ is risen alleluia! ("Be Not Afraid" - Text:Matthew 28.5; Taize Community)
Readings of the Day
Acts 7.1-22-So Moses was instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in his words and deeds.
Deuteronomy 29-30-Choose life so that you and your descendants may live, loving the LORD your God, obeying him, and holding fast to him; for that means life to you and length of days, so that you may live in the land that the LORD swore to give to your ancestors, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
Job 18-How long will you hunt for words?
Acts 7.1-16-Brothers and fathers, listen to me.
God's Word of the Day
See the resurrected Christ. It is done. You do not need to be afraid. Boldly go and proclaim life in Him.
Prayer of the Day
I see throughout time how you blessed us, Your children.
You call us, gift us, and send us.
You give us reason beyond reason for joy in You.
You gift us with confidence and hope.
We go in joy proclaiming Your awesome works of love.
Today let me hear Your voice.
I will listen to You.
I will seek Your command.
I will trust Your gifts.
I will proclaim, in joy, all Your mighty acts.
I go as You send.
What a privilege!
Christ is risen!
He is risen, indeed!
Prayer of the Day
Moses, Stephen and so many others You have loved and cared for, went to do Your will. Fill me with Your Spirit and use me to do Your will this day. ---Amen
Be not afraid, sing out for joy! Christ is risen, alleluia! Be not afraid, sing out for joy! Christ is risen alleluia! ("Be Not Afraid" - Text:Matthew 28.5; Taize Community)
Readings of the Day
Acts 7.1-22-So Moses was instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in his words and deeds.
Deuteronomy 29-30-Choose life so that you and your descendants may live, loving the LORD your God, obeying him, and holding fast to him; for that means life to you and length of days, so that you may live in the land that the LORD swore to give to your ancestors, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
Job 18-How long will you hunt for words?
Acts 7.1-16-Brothers and fathers, listen to me.
God's Word of the Day
See the resurrected Christ. It is done. You do not need to be afraid. Boldly go and proclaim life in Him.
Prayer of the Day
I see throughout time how you blessed us, Your children.
You call us, gift us, and send us.
You give us reason beyond reason for joy in You.
You gift us with confidence and hope.
We go in joy proclaiming Your awesome works of love.
Today let me hear Your voice.
I will listen to You.
I will seek Your command.
I will trust Your gifts.
I will proclaim, in joy, all Your mighty acts.
I go as You send.
What a privilege!
Christ is risen!
He is risen, indeed!
Prayer of the Day
Moses, Stephen and so many others You have loved and cared for, went to do Your will. Fill me with Your Spirit and use me to do Your will this day. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:18 AM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
April 17th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
An angel clad in white they see, who sits and speaks unto the three, "Your Lord will go to Galilee," Alleluia! ("O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing" - Text: attr. Jean Tisserand, d. 1494; tr. John Mason Neale, 1818-1866, alt.)
Readings of the Day
Acts 6-And all who sat in the council looked intently at him, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel.
Deuteronomy 28-Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.
Job 17-...where then is my hope?
Acts 6.8-15-Stephen, full of grace and power, did great wonders and signs among the people.
God's Word of the Day
I have done all that needs to be done. You are free from sin, even though you will sin. You are free to serve Me in My Kingdom. Now and forever.
Psalm of the Day
Even after Your resurrection You had work to do.
Even after my forgiveness in sin; You send me with work to do.
Even though I sin You use me in my brokenness.
Your wisdom is beyond my understanding.
I return and confess and You free me to go on.
You fill me with grace and power.
Sinful that I am, You continue to bless me and use me.
You continue to forgive me and mold me.
You teach me and show me a better way.
Lead me in this life path to Life in You.
Bless my coming and going.
I give my life to You.
I give my brokenness to You.
Let the world see the glory of Your face shining in mine.
For the joy You have provided radiates deep within my soul.
Thank You for Love.
Let's go to Galilee together.
Now and into eternity.
For You have provided eternal work.
You have blessed me with eternal joy.
Christ has risen!
Christ has risen in me.
Christ has risen indeed!
Prayer of the Day
I come once again to You. I come broken and sinful. I plead Your forgiveness. I plead that You would once again fill me with Your grace and love. I plead that You would continue to use me to go with You to Galilee; today and tomorrow and forever. Go to serve in Your everlasting Kingdom. ---Amen
An angel clad in white they see, who sits and speaks unto the three, "Your Lord will go to Galilee," Alleluia! ("O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing" - Text: attr. Jean Tisserand, d. 1494; tr. John Mason Neale, 1818-1866, alt.)
Readings of the Day
Acts 6-And all who sat in the council looked intently at him, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel.
Deuteronomy 28-Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.
Job 17-...where then is my hope?
Acts 6.8-15-Stephen, full of grace and power, did great wonders and signs among the people.
God's Word of the Day
I have done all that needs to be done. You are free from sin, even though you will sin. You are free to serve Me in My Kingdom. Now and forever.
Psalm of the Day
Even after Your resurrection You had work to do.
Even after my forgiveness in sin; You send me with work to do.
Even though I sin You use me in my brokenness.
Your wisdom is beyond my understanding.
I return and confess and You free me to go on.
You fill me with grace and power.
Sinful that I am, You continue to bless me and use me.
You continue to forgive me and mold me.
You teach me and show me a better way.
Lead me in this life path to Life in You.
Bless my coming and going.
I give my life to You.
I give my brokenness to You.
Let the world see the glory of Your face shining in mine.
For the joy You have provided radiates deep within my soul.
Thank You for Love.
Let's go to Galilee together.
Now and into eternity.
For You have provided eternal work.
You have blessed me with eternal joy.
Christ has risen!
Christ has risen in me.
Christ has risen indeed!
Prayer of the Day
I come once again to You. I come broken and sinful. I plead Your forgiveness. I plead that You would once again fill me with Your grace and love. I plead that You would continue to use me to go with You to Galilee; today and tomorrow and forever. Go to serve in Your everlasting Kingdom. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:17 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
April 16th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Your name we bless, O risen Lord, and sing today with one accord, the life laid down, the life restored: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! ("Good Christian Friends, Rejoice and Sing!" - Text: Cyril A. Alington, 1872-1955, alt.)
Readings of the Day
Acts 5.17-42-...if this plan or this undertaking is of human origin, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them...
Deuteronomy 25-27-So now I bring the first of the fruit of the ground that you, O LORD, have given me.
Job 16-...he that vouches for me is on high.
Matthew 20.17-28-But Jesus called them to him and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. It will not be so among you; but whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave; just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many."
God's Word of the Day
I gave My life that you may be restored. Offer the first fruits of the blessings I have provided to you and serve one another.
Psalm of the Day
You show how it is to be done.
You offer Your very best.
You give life to give Life.
Lord, You have restored life from death.
You gave the first fruits.
Teach me to give first fruits.
I come to You with what You have blessed me with.
I come to serve You and to serve those You give to me.
You have taught me.
You have restored me.
You have blessed me.
Your plan of action will not fail.
Your will is everlasting.
I join in singing today with all Your children.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Prayer of the Day
You gave Your very best. Accept my humble offering of what You have already provided. Send me to serve You and others today. ---Amen
Your name we bless, O risen Lord, and sing today with one accord, the life laid down, the life restored: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! ("Good Christian Friends, Rejoice and Sing!" - Text: Cyril A. Alington, 1872-1955, alt.)
Readings of the Day
Acts 5.17-42-...if this plan or this undertaking is of human origin, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them...
Deuteronomy 25-27-So now I bring the first of the fruit of the ground that you, O LORD, have given me.
Job 16-...he that vouches for me is on high.
Matthew 20.17-28-But Jesus called them to him and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. It will not be so among you; but whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave; just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many."
God's Word of the Day
I gave My life that you may be restored. Offer the first fruits of the blessings I have provided to you and serve one another.
Psalm of the Day
You show how it is to be done.
You offer Your very best.
You give life to give Life.
Lord, You have restored life from death.
You gave the first fruits.
Teach me to give first fruits.
I come to You with what You have blessed me with.
I come to serve You and to serve those You give to me.
You have taught me.
You have restored me.
You have blessed me.
Your plan of action will not fail.
Your will is everlasting.
I join in singing today with all Your children.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Prayer of the Day
You gave Your very best. Accept my humble offering of what You have already provided. Send me to serve You and others today. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:19 AM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
April 15th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
O Christ, you are the Lord of all in this our Easter festival, for you will be our strength and shield from every weapon death can wield. ("That Easter Day with Joy Was Bright" - Text: Latin hymn, 5th cent.; tr. John Mason Neale, 1818-1866, alt.)
Readings of the Day
Acts 5.1-16-Yet more than ever believers were added to the Lord, great numbers of both men and women...
Deuteronomy 23-24-If you make a vow to the LORD your God, do not postpone fulfilling it...
Job 15-Have you listened in the council of God?
Ezekiel 34.23-31-...and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I break the bars of their yoke, and save them from the hands of those who enslave them.
God's Word of the Day
I AM your strength and shield. I have broken the bars of your yoke to sin and death. I keep My vow. Know that I AM God. Believe and serve me in My Kingdom; now and into eternity.
Psalm of the Day
What joy You have placed in my heart!
My King, my Savior, my Warrior, my Great Defender.
You have saved me from myself, sin and death.
You have rescued me from my own sinful actions.
You are the God who broke the yoke of sin.
You are the God who frees His people from slavery.
My God of Life; I give You thanks!
See the believers multiply!
See Your people in joy!
We give You all praise, glory, honor and thanks!
We listen to Your council and advice.
We joyously respond to all You have done!
Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Prayer of the Day
Joy and Alleluia flow from my lips towards You my God, my Lord, my Savior, my Jesus. Now and forever. Send me overflowing in Your Love into Your Kingdom this day spilling that Love all over the place. ---Amen
O Christ, you are the Lord of all in this our Easter festival, for you will be our strength and shield from every weapon death can wield. ("That Easter Day with Joy Was Bright" - Text: Latin hymn, 5th cent.; tr. John Mason Neale, 1818-1866, alt.)
Readings of the Day
Acts 5.1-16-Yet more than ever believers were added to the Lord, great numbers of both men and women...
Deuteronomy 23-24-If you make a vow to the LORD your God, do not postpone fulfilling it...
Job 15-Have you listened in the council of God?
Ezekiel 34.23-31-...and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I break the bars of their yoke, and save them from the hands of those who enslave them.
God's Word of the Day
I AM your strength and shield. I have broken the bars of your yoke to sin and death. I keep My vow. Know that I AM God. Believe and serve me in My Kingdom; now and into eternity.
Psalm of the Day
What joy You have placed in my heart!
My King, my Savior, my Warrior, my Great Defender.
You have saved me from myself, sin and death.
You have rescued me from my own sinful actions.
You are the God who broke the yoke of sin.
You are the God who frees His people from slavery.
My God of Life; I give You thanks!
See the believers multiply!
See Your people in joy!
We give You all praise, glory, honor and thanks!
We listen to Your council and advice.
We joyously respond to all You have done!
Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Prayer of the Day
Joy and Alleluia flow from my lips towards You my God, my Lord, my Savior, my Jesus. Now and forever. Send me overflowing in Your Love into Your Kingdom this day spilling that Love all over the place. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:25 AM
Monday, April 14, 2008
April 14th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Christ is risen! Raise your spirits from the caverns of despair. Walk with gladness in the morning. See what love can do and dare. Drink the wine of resurrection, not a servant, but a friend. Jesus is our strong companion. Joy and peace shall never end. ("Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna!" - Text: Brian A. Wren, b. 1936)
Readings of the Day
Acts 4.23-37-When they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God with boldness.
Deuteronomy 21-22-...for anyone hung on a tree is under God's curse.
Job 14-They feel only the pain of their own bodies, and mourn only for themselves.
Ezekiel 34.17-23-I will save my flock, and they shall no longer be ravaged; and I will budge between sheep and sheep.
God's Word of the Day
I hung on that tree as God's curse. I did this out of love for you. I fill you with My Spirit. Now go in boldness no longer ravaged by sin and speak my Word to all the world.
Psalm of the Day
Jesus, my friend and faithful companion.
You hung on that tree as God's curse.
Out of deep love; You hung on that tree for me.
You took on the curse of my sin and died for me as God's curse.
You hung on that tree for me!
Spirit, you come and fill me with gifts.
You come and build me up.
You come and give me faith and courage.
You send me out in boldness.
I go declaring the Word You have given in joy and thanksgiving.
Father you guide and protect, defend and provide.
I come to you and seek Your council day after day.
You teach and instruct and show me the way.
I listen to Your Word and follow.
I pray and You listen.
Prayer of the Day
Father, Son, Spirit---I come to You this day and listen. I listen and follow. Send me out to do Your will. Teach me to see and hear You. ---Amen
Christ is risen! Raise your spirits from the caverns of despair. Walk with gladness in the morning. See what love can do and dare. Drink the wine of resurrection, not a servant, but a friend. Jesus is our strong companion. Joy and peace shall never end. ("Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna!" - Text: Brian A. Wren, b. 1936)
Readings of the Day
Acts 4.23-37-When they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God with boldness.
Deuteronomy 21-22-...for anyone hung on a tree is under God's curse.
Job 14-They feel only the pain of their own bodies, and mourn only for themselves.
Ezekiel 34.17-23-I will save my flock, and they shall no longer be ravaged; and I will budge between sheep and sheep.
God's Word of the Day
I hung on that tree as God's curse. I did this out of love for you. I fill you with My Spirit. Now go in boldness no longer ravaged by sin and speak my Word to all the world.
Psalm of the Day
Jesus, my friend and faithful companion.
You hung on that tree as God's curse.
Out of deep love; You hung on that tree for me.
You took on the curse of my sin and died for me as God's curse.
You hung on that tree for me!
Spirit, you come and fill me with gifts.
You come and build me up.
You come and give me faith and courage.
You send me out in boldness.
I go declaring the Word You have given in joy and thanksgiving.
Father you guide and protect, defend and provide.
I come to you and seek Your council day after day.
You teach and instruct and show me the way.
I listen to Your Word and follow.
I pray and You listen.
Prayer of the Day
Father, Son, Spirit---I come to You this day and listen. I listen and follow. Send me out to do Your will. Teach me to see and hear You. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:13 AM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
April 13th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Christ is risen! Henceforth never death or hell shall us enthrall. We are Christ's, in him forever we have triumphed over all. All the doubting and dejection of our trembling hearts have ceased; hail the day of resurrection! Let us rise and keep the feast. Christ is risen! Alleluia! Risen our victorious head! Sing his praises! Alleluia! Christ is risen from the dead! ("Christ Is Risen! Alleluia! - Text: John S. B. Monsell, 1811-1875, alt.)
Readings of the Day
Acts 4.1-22-There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among mortals by which we must be saved.
Deuteronomy 19-20-...for it is the LORD your God who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to give you victory.
Job 13-Make me know my transgression and my sin.
John 10.1-10-The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep hear his voice. He calls how own sheep by name and leads them out.
God's Word of the Day
I AM risen! Keep the feast. I have brought you victory over death, hell and sin. I have brought you life. I have risen! Only through My name will you be saved.
Psalm of the Day
Yes Lord! You have risen!
Only through You do I have life.
Yes Lord! You have risen!
You point out to me the stench of my sin.
Yes Lord! You have risen!
You took on my sin and gave me life.
Yes Lord! You have risen!
Through no other name may I be saved but Yours.
Yes Lord! You have risen!
You fought against my enemies and won a victorious battle.
Yes Lord! You have risen!
You open the gate of my heart and I hear Your voice.
Yes Lord! You have risen!
You invite me out to be with You.
Yes Lord! You have risen!
I gladly leave and follow You.
Yes Lord! You have risen!
I follow and serve You now into eternity.
Yes Lord! You have risen!
Christ has risen!
He has risen indeed! Alleluia!
Yes Lord! You have risen!
Prayer of the Day
Yes Lord! You have risen! You have come to my door today. You have opened the gate to my heart and filled it with Your Love. My only response is to joyfully listen to Your voice and follow You into your Kingdom; today, tomorrow and forever into eternity. Yes Lord! You have risen! You have risen and rule my heart. Christ has risen! He has risen indeed! Alleluia! ---Amen
Christ is risen! Henceforth never death or hell shall us enthrall. We are Christ's, in him forever we have triumphed over all. All the doubting and dejection of our trembling hearts have ceased; hail the day of resurrection! Let us rise and keep the feast. Christ is risen! Alleluia! Risen our victorious head! Sing his praises! Alleluia! Christ is risen from the dead! ("Christ Is Risen! Alleluia! - Text: John S. B. Monsell, 1811-1875, alt.)
Readings of the Day
Acts 4.1-22-There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among mortals by which we must be saved.
Deuteronomy 19-20-...for it is the LORD your God who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to give you victory.
Job 13-Make me know my transgression and my sin.
John 10.1-10-The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep hear his voice. He calls how own sheep by name and leads them out.
God's Word of the Day
I AM risen! Keep the feast. I have brought you victory over death, hell and sin. I have brought you life. I have risen! Only through My name will you be saved.
Psalm of the Day
Yes Lord! You have risen!
Only through You do I have life.
Yes Lord! You have risen!
You point out to me the stench of my sin.
Yes Lord! You have risen!
You took on my sin and gave me life.
Yes Lord! You have risen!
Through no other name may I be saved but Yours.
Yes Lord! You have risen!
You fought against my enemies and won a victorious battle.
Yes Lord! You have risen!
You open the gate of my heart and I hear Your voice.
Yes Lord! You have risen!
You invite me out to be with You.
Yes Lord! You have risen!
I gladly leave and follow You.
Yes Lord! You have risen!
I follow and serve You now into eternity.
Yes Lord! You have risen!
Christ has risen!
He has risen indeed! Alleluia!
Yes Lord! You have risen!
Prayer of the Day
Yes Lord! You have risen! You have come to my door today. You have opened the gate to my heart and filled it with Your Love. My only response is to joyfully listen to Your voice and follow You into your Kingdom; today, tomorrow and forever into eternity. Yes Lord! You have risen! You have risen and rule my heart. Christ has risen! He has risen indeed! Alleluia! ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
7:25 AM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
April 12th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Peace within the church still dwells in our welcomes and farewells; and through God’s baptismal power peace surrounds our dying hour. Peace be with you, full and free, now and through eternity. ("Peace, to Soothe Our Bitter Woes" – Text: Nikolai F. S. Grundtvig, 1783-1872; tr. George T. Rygh, 1860-1943, alt.)
Readings of the Day
Acts 3-…and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.
Deuteronomy 17-18-The first fruits of your grain, your wine, and your oil, as wells as the first of the fleece of your sheep, you shall give him.
Job 12-In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of every human being.
Psalm 23-The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.
God’s Word of the Day
I offer peace to you. Rejoice and leap and praise My name in the assembly and to all the universe. Today and forever!
Psalm of the Day
I run, I jump, I dance with You my Lord!
You have given me the fresh breath of life.
You have saved me from sin and death.
Your blessings are bountiful.
Your grace is all I ever need.
You are my Shepherd.
You alone will I follow.
I offer my first fruits.
I humbly offer my praise.
I run, I jump, I dance with You my Lord!
You have given me the fresh breath of Life.
Christ has risen! He has risen indeed! Alleluia!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I humbly praise Your name and give You thanks. I thank You for the joy and ability to run and jump and play with You in Your Kingdom day after day! ---Amen
Peace within the church still dwells in our welcomes and farewells; and through God’s baptismal power peace surrounds our dying hour. Peace be with you, full and free, now and through eternity. ("Peace, to Soothe Our Bitter Woes" – Text: Nikolai F. S. Grundtvig, 1783-1872; tr. George T. Rygh, 1860-1943, alt.)
Readings of the Day
Acts 3-…and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.
Deuteronomy 17-18-The first fruits of your grain, your wine, and your oil, as wells as the first of the fleece of your sheep, you shall give him.
Job 12-In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of every human being.
Psalm 23-The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.
God’s Word of the Day
I offer peace to you. Rejoice and leap and praise My name in the assembly and to all the universe. Today and forever!
Psalm of the Day
I run, I jump, I dance with You my Lord!
You have given me the fresh breath of life.
You have saved me from sin and death.
Your blessings are bountiful.
Your grace is all I ever need.
You are my Shepherd.
You alone will I follow.
I offer my first fruits.
I humbly offer my praise.
I run, I jump, I dance with You my Lord!
You have given me the fresh breath of Life.
Christ has risen! He has risen indeed! Alleluia!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I humbly praise Your name and give You thanks. I thank You for the joy and ability to run and jump and play with You in Your Kingdom day after day! ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
9:35 AM
Friday, April 11, 2008
April 8th to 11th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
April 8th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Walking the way, Christ in the center telling the story to open our eyes; breaking our bread, giving us glory; Jesus our blessing, our constant surprise. Jesus is risen and we shall arise. Give God the glory! Alleluia! ("Test Herbert F. Brokering, b. 1926)
Readings of the Day
Matthew 28-And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Deuteronomy 9-10-Circumcise, then, the foreskin of your heart, and do not be stubborn any longer.
Job 8-He will yet fill your mouth with laughter, and your lips with shouts of joy.
Proverbs 8.32-9.6-For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the LORD…
God’s Word of the Day
Always keep Me at the center of your life. I will bring joy to your heart and fill you with laughter.
Psalm of the Day
Lord, how You have opened my eyes!
I do not always have joy.
But I find you in the center.
Even in the center of my pain, You are there.
You are there beside me.
You are there knowing the pain.
And sometimes in the pain is a joyful laughter.
A laughter only you and I can understand.
You are with me always.
Opening my eyes to new surprises each day.
In You I find life.
Prayer of the Day
Lord You bless me with joy and laughter in good and bad. I eternally give You all the glory and thanks. ---Amen
April 9th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Now will I cling forever to Christ my Savior true: my Lord will leave me never, whatever he passes through. He rends death’s iron chain; he breaks through sin and pain; he shatters hell’s grim thrall; I follow him through all. ("Awake, My Heart, with Gladness" – Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-1676 tr; John Kelly 1833-1890, alt.)
Readings of the Day
Acts 1-Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up toward heaven?
Deuteronomy 11-12- Be careful to obey all these words that I command you today…
Job 9-If it is a contest of strength, he is the strong one!
John 21.1-14-When they had gone ashore, they saw a charcoal fire there, with fish on it, and bread.
God’s Word of the Day
Cling forever to Me. I will feed you a breakfast beyond your imagination.
Psalm of the Day
How I want that breakfast with You, Jesus.
I can taste the fish and the bread on that fire.
I can revel in that morning fellowship with You.
How I want that breakfast with You, Jesus.
I look up to you, my Lord, as You rise in the sky.
I look up and know that I must now go and serve.
I am excited to go forth in Your name.
I look up to you, my Lord, as You rise in the sky.
Lead me to obey Your commands.
Teach me the way of Life.
Fill me with Your Love to freely give.
Lead me to obey Your commands.
How I want the breakfast with You, Jesus.
I look up to you, My Lord, as You rise in the sky.
Lead me to obey Your command.
How I want that breakfast with You, Jesus.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I look forward to that day when I can share that breakfast of fish and bread with You. But for now I’ll have some fish and bread with those you have graciously given to me. For in them I see You. ---Amen
April 10th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Forth he came at Easter like the risen grain, he that for three days in the grave had lain; raised from the dead, my living Lord is seen; love is come again like wheat arising green. ("Now the Green Blade Rises" – Text John MacLeod Campbell Crum, 1872-1958)
Readings of the Day
Acts 2.1-13-…in our own languages we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power.
Deuteronomy 13-14- You are the children of the LORD your God.
Job 10- Remember that you fashioned me like clay; and will you turn me to dust again?
1 Peter 2.9-12-Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
God’s Word of the Day
I have risen. You will rise too. Believe in Me for you are My beloved child.
Psalm of the Day
I saw You rise that morning.
I saw You open my eyes.
I heard the stories of Your glory.
I heard You say my name.
I saw You rise that morning.
I felt You in my heart.
I claimed me as Your child.
You received me as I was.
You fashion me into something new.
You mold me as You wish.
I saw You rise that morning.
I felt You in my heart.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I give You thanks that You have called me as Your own. You have claimed my heart. Use me this day. Send me into Your Kingdom to work for You in this eternal life. ---Amen
April 11th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Jesus lives! And thus, my soul, life eternal waits for you; joined to Christ, your living head, where he is, you shall be too; with the Lord, at God’s right hand, as a victor you shall stand. ("Hallelujah! Jesus Lives!" – Text: Carl B. Garve, 1763-1841; tr. Jane L. Borthwick, 1813-1897, alt.)
Readings of the Day
Acts 2.14-47-This Jesus God raised up, and of that all of us are witnesses.
Deuteronomy 15-16-Rejoice before the LORD your God--- you and your sons and your daughters…
Job 11-If you direct your heart rightly, you will stretch your hands towards him.
1 Peter 2.13-17-Love the family of believers. Fear God.
God’s Word of the Day
Rejoice in Me. I AM alive.
Psalm of the Day
Rejoice in Me.
I am alive!
You are alive!
You are My witness.
You are My son.
You are My daughter.
I claim you as My own.
Stretch out your hands towards Me.
I stretched out My hands toward you in love and gave My all.
Love Me.
Love one another.
Fear God and obey
Follow My way and go with me.
Today and forever!
Rejoice in Me.
I am alive!
You are alive!
Prayer of the Day
Alleluia! He has risen! Christ has risen indeed! Alleluia! ---Amen
Hymn of the Day
Walking the way, Christ in the center telling the story to open our eyes; breaking our bread, giving us glory; Jesus our blessing, our constant surprise. Jesus is risen and we shall arise. Give God the glory! Alleluia! ("Test Herbert F. Brokering, b. 1926)
Readings of the Day
Matthew 28-And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Deuteronomy 9-10-Circumcise, then, the foreskin of your heart, and do not be stubborn any longer.
Job 8-He will yet fill your mouth with laughter, and your lips with shouts of joy.
Proverbs 8.32-9.6-For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the LORD…
God’s Word of the Day
Always keep Me at the center of your life. I will bring joy to your heart and fill you with laughter.
Psalm of the Day
Lord, how You have opened my eyes!
I do not always have joy.
But I find you in the center.
Even in the center of my pain, You are there.
You are there beside me.
You are there knowing the pain.
And sometimes in the pain is a joyful laughter.
A laughter only you and I can understand.
You are with me always.
Opening my eyes to new surprises each day.
In You I find life.
Prayer of the Day
Lord You bless me with joy and laughter in good and bad. I eternally give You all the glory and thanks. ---Amen
April 9th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Now will I cling forever to Christ my Savior true: my Lord will leave me never, whatever he passes through. He rends death’s iron chain; he breaks through sin and pain; he shatters hell’s grim thrall; I follow him through all. ("Awake, My Heart, with Gladness" – Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-1676 tr; John Kelly 1833-1890, alt.)
Readings of the Day
Acts 1-Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up toward heaven?
Deuteronomy 11-12- Be careful to obey all these words that I command you today…
Job 9-If it is a contest of strength, he is the strong one!
John 21.1-14-When they had gone ashore, they saw a charcoal fire there, with fish on it, and bread.
God’s Word of the Day
Cling forever to Me. I will feed you a breakfast beyond your imagination.
Psalm of the Day
How I want that breakfast with You, Jesus.
I can taste the fish and the bread on that fire.
I can revel in that morning fellowship with You.
How I want that breakfast with You, Jesus.
I look up to you, my Lord, as You rise in the sky.
I look up and know that I must now go and serve.
I am excited to go forth in Your name.
I look up to you, my Lord, as You rise in the sky.
Lead me to obey Your commands.
Teach me the way of Life.
Fill me with Your Love to freely give.
Lead me to obey Your commands.
How I want the breakfast with You, Jesus.
I look up to you, My Lord, as You rise in the sky.
Lead me to obey Your command.
How I want that breakfast with You, Jesus.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I look forward to that day when I can share that breakfast of fish and bread with You. But for now I’ll have some fish and bread with those you have graciously given to me. For in them I see You. ---Amen
April 10th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Forth he came at Easter like the risen grain, he that for three days in the grave had lain; raised from the dead, my living Lord is seen; love is come again like wheat arising green. ("Now the Green Blade Rises" – Text John MacLeod Campbell Crum, 1872-1958)
Readings of the Day
Acts 2.1-13-…in our own languages we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power.
Deuteronomy 13-14- You are the children of the LORD your God.
Job 10- Remember that you fashioned me like clay; and will you turn me to dust again?
1 Peter 2.9-12-Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
God’s Word of the Day
I have risen. You will rise too. Believe in Me for you are My beloved child.
Psalm of the Day
I saw You rise that morning.
I saw You open my eyes.
I heard the stories of Your glory.
I heard You say my name.
I saw You rise that morning.
I felt You in my heart.
I claimed me as Your child.
You received me as I was.
You fashion me into something new.
You mold me as You wish.
I saw You rise that morning.
I felt You in my heart.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I give You thanks that You have called me as Your own. You have claimed my heart. Use me this day. Send me into Your Kingdom to work for You in this eternal life. ---Amen
April 11th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Jesus lives! And thus, my soul, life eternal waits for you; joined to Christ, your living head, where he is, you shall be too; with the Lord, at God’s right hand, as a victor you shall stand. ("Hallelujah! Jesus Lives!" – Text: Carl B. Garve, 1763-1841; tr. Jane L. Borthwick, 1813-1897, alt.)
Readings of the Day
Acts 2.14-47-This Jesus God raised up, and of that all of us are witnesses.
Deuteronomy 15-16-Rejoice before the LORD your God--- you and your sons and your daughters…
Job 11-If you direct your heart rightly, you will stretch your hands towards him.
1 Peter 2.13-17-Love the family of believers. Fear God.
God’s Word of the Day
Rejoice in Me. I AM alive.
Psalm of the Day
Rejoice in Me.
I am alive!
You are alive!
You are My witness.
You are My son.
You are My daughter.
I claim you as My own.
Stretch out your hands towards Me.
I stretched out My hands toward you in love and gave My all.
Love Me.
Love one another.
Fear God and obey
Follow My way and go with me.
Today and forever!
Rejoice in Me.
I am alive!
You are alive!
Prayer of the Day
Alleluia! He has risen! Christ has risen indeed! Alleluia! ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
7:24 AM
Monday, April 07, 2008
April 7th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Thine is the glory, risen conquering Son; endless is the victory thou over death hast won! Angels in bright raiment rolled the stone away, kept the folded grave clothes where thy body lay. Thine is the glory, risen conquering Son; endless is the victory thou over death hast won! ("Thine Is the Glory" - Text: Edmond Budry, 1854-1932; tr. R. Birch Hoyle, 1875-1939)
Readings of the Day
Matthew 27.32-66-At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.
Deuteronomy 7-8-For the LORD your god is bringing you into a good land, a land with flowing streams, with springs and underground waters welling up in valleys and hills, a land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive trees and honey, a land where you my eat bread without scarcity, where you will lack nothing, a land whose stones are iron and from whose hills you may mine copper. You shall eat your fill and bless the LORD your God for the good land that he has given you.
Job 7-What are human beings, that you make so much of them, that you set your mind on them, visit them every morning, test them every moment?
Genesis 18.1-14-He said, "My lord, if I find favor with you, do not pass by your servant."
God's Word of the Day
I will not pass you by. I sent My Son and opened my heart to you. Accept me and open your heart to Me.
Psalm of the Day
The curtain was torn in two.
You opened Your heart to me.
I run to Your heart.
I open my heart to You.
You come to me.
I come to You.
You give Your life to me.
I give my life to You.
You bring life from death.
I live through death in You.
You bring me into a good land.
I live in that land and serve You.
You come to me each morning.
I go and serve You.
I give thanks and glory to You each day.
For You have chosen not to pass me by.
Thanks be to God!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I open my heart to You. Come in and stay. Fill me with Your Love. I go and serve You in Your Kingdom. ---Amen
Thine is the glory, risen conquering Son; endless is the victory thou over death hast won! Angels in bright raiment rolled the stone away, kept the folded grave clothes where thy body lay. Thine is the glory, risen conquering Son; endless is the victory thou over death hast won! ("Thine Is the Glory" - Text: Edmond Budry, 1854-1932; tr. R. Birch Hoyle, 1875-1939)
Readings of the Day
Matthew 27.32-66-At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.
Deuteronomy 7-8-For the LORD your god is bringing you into a good land, a land with flowing streams, with springs and underground waters welling up in valleys and hills, a land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive trees and honey, a land where you my eat bread without scarcity, where you will lack nothing, a land whose stones are iron and from whose hills you may mine copper. You shall eat your fill and bless the LORD your God for the good land that he has given you.
Job 7-What are human beings, that you make so much of them, that you set your mind on them, visit them every morning, test them every moment?
Genesis 18.1-14-He said, "My lord, if I find favor with you, do not pass by your servant."
God's Word of the Day
I will not pass you by. I sent My Son and opened my heart to you. Accept me and open your heart to Me.
Psalm of the Day
The curtain was torn in two.
You opened Your heart to me.
I run to Your heart.
I open my heart to You.
You come to me.
I come to You.
You give Your life to me.
I give my life to You.
You bring life from death.
I live through death in You.
You bring me into a good land.
I live in that land and serve You.
You come to me each morning.
I go and serve You.
I give thanks and glory to You each day.
For You have chosen not to pass me by.
Thanks be to God!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I open my heart to You. Come in and stay. Fill me with Your Love. I go and serve You in Your Kingdom. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:18 AM
Sunday, April 06, 2008
April 6th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Alleluia! Christ is arisen. Bright is the dawning of the Lord's day. Thomas, where were you on that evening? "I'll not believe unless I see." Christ comes again, and every Lord's day: "Touch me and see; fave faith in me." ("Alleluia! Christ is Arisen" - Text: Luis Bojos, b. 1937; tr. Martin A. Seltz, b. 1951)
Readings of the Day
Matthew 27.1-31-He said, "I have sinned by betraying innocent blood."
Deuteronomy 5-6-Today we have seen that God may speak to someone and the person may still live.
Job 6-In truth I have no help in me...
Luke 24.13-35-"Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?"
God's Word of the Day
I know of your sin. But I forgive sin. I open My Word to you and show you the way. Now get up and go! Follow Me!
Psalm of the Day
I deny, I betray, I doubt, I cant' even see You at times.
Forgive me!
I can't do this myself like I once thought.
I need You to save me from sin, death and myself.
Forgive me and open my eyes to see You.
Open my eyes and ears to see and hear You.
Fill me with faith, and love.
Teach me compassion and understanding.
Use me to serve.
I want to follow You and serve You and do what You have planned for me.
I give myself to You.
You are my Savior!
You are my God!
You have done all that needs to be done.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, open my eyes to You. This day and forever. ---Amen
Alleluia! Christ is arisen. Bright is the dawning of the Lord's day. Thomas, where were you on that evening? "I'll not believe unless I see." Christ comes again, and every Lord's day: "Touch me and see; fave faith in me." ("Alleluia! Christ is Arisen" - Text: Luis Bojos, b. 1937; tr. Martin A. Seltz, b. 1951)
Readings of the Day
Matthew 27.1-31-He said, "I have sinned by betraying innocent blood."
Deuteronomy 5-6-Today we have seen that God may speak to someone and the person may still live.
Job 6-In truth I have no help in me...
Luke 24.13-35-"Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?"
God's Word of the Day
I know of your sin. But I forgive sin. I open My Word to you and show you the way. Now get up and go! Follow Me!
Psalm of the Day
I deny, I betray, I doubt, I cant' even see You at times.
Forgive me!
I can't do this myself like I once thought.
I need You to save me from sin, death and myself.
Forgive me and open my eyes to see You.
Open my eyes and ears to see and hear You.
Fill me with faith, and love.
Teach me compassion and understanding.
Use me to serve.
I want to follow You and serve You and do what You have planned for me.
I give myself to You.
You are my Savior!
You are my God!
You have done all that needs to be done.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, open my eyes to You. This day and forever. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
7:51 AM
Saturday, April 05, 2008
April 5th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
When we are walking, doubtful and dreading, blinded by sadness, slowness of heart, yet Christ walks with us, ever awaiting our invitation: Stay, do not part. ("Day of Arising" - Text: Susan Palo Cherwien, b. 1953)
Readings of the Day
Matthew 26.47-75-At that moment the cock crowed. Then Peter remembered what Jesus had said: "Before the cock crows, you will deny me three times." And he went out and wept bitterly.
Deuteronomy 3-4-From there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find him if you search after him with all your heart and soul.
Job 5-"As for me, I would seek God, and to God I would commit my cause. He does great things and unsearchable, marvelous things without number."
Psalm 116. 1-4, 12-19-Then I called on the name of the LORD: "O LORD, I pray, save my life!"
God's Word of the Day
If you seek Me, you will find me. You will find me right there beside you.
Psalm of the Day
I stumble along through life.
Sometimes I even deny that I know You.
I walk along not even recognizing Your presence.
Forgive my thoughtlessness.
Save me Lord!
Then something always happens.
You serve the bread and the wine.
My eyes are opened.
I see Your presence.
I find You have been there with me all along.
I will search for You with all my heart and soul.
I will call on Your name.
I give You all the praise and honor and glory.
You are my Savior and Lord!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Prayer of the Day
Open my eyes to Your presence. Forgive my selfishness. You are my God! You are my Savior! ---Amen
When we are walking, doubtful and dreading, blinded by sadness, slowness of heart, yet Christ walks with us, ever awaiting our invitation: Stay, do not part. ("Day of Arising" - Text: Susan Palo Cherwien, b. 1953)
Readings of the Day
Matthew 26.47-75-At that moment the cock crowed. Then Peter remembered what Jesus had said: "Before the cock crows, you will deny me three times." And he went out and wept bitterly.
Deuteronomy 3-4-From there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find him if you search after him with all your heart and soul.
Job 5-"As for me, I would seek God, and to God I would commit my cause. He does great things and unsearchable, marvelous things without number."
Psalm 116. 1-4, 12-19-Then I called on the name of the LORD: "O LORD, I pray, save my life!"
God's Word of the Day
If you seek Me, you will find me. You will find me right there beside you.
Psalm of the Day
I stumble along through life.
Sometimes I even deny that I know You.
I walk along not even recognizing Your presence.
Forgive my thoughtlessness.
Save me Lord!
Then something always happens.
You serve the bread and the wine.
My eyes are opened.
I see Your presence.
I find You have been there with me all along.
I will search for You with all my heart and soul.
I will call on Your name.
I give You all the praise and honor and glory.
You are my Savior and Lord!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Prayer of the Day
Open my eyes to Your presence. Forgive my selfishness. You are my God! You are my Savior! ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
6:59 AM
Friday, April 04, 2008
April 4th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Love's redeeming work is done, fought the fight, the battle won. Lo! The sun's eclipse is over. Lo! He sets in blood no more. ("Christ the Lord Is Risen Today!" - Text: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788, alt.)
Readings of the Day
Matthew 26.26-46-While they were eating, Jesus took a loaf of bread, and after blessing it he broke it, gave it to the disciples, and said, "Take, eat; this is my body."
Deuteronomy 1-2-"You have stayed long enough at the mountain, Resume your journey and go..."
Job 4-Can mortals be righteous before God?
1 Peter 1.13-16-Therefore prepare your minds for action; discipline yourselves; set all your hope on the grace that Jesus Christ will bring you when he is revealed.
God's Word of the Day
I have won the battle. You have seen My glory. Believe and as you have been prepared, go and serve in My Kingdom this day.
Psalm of the Day
I know now that I can only be righteous before You through Jesus.
Jesus is the righteous one who did all that needed to be done.
Only through Jesus can I be righteous before You.
I am not righteous before You on my on accord.
I have seen the glory of Jesus' death.
I have seen the victory of His resurrection.
"It is finished." Wonderful words of victory.
I believe!
I take in Jesus' body and blood.
I believe and let His body and blood unite in me.
I believe and He works in and through me.
I have stayed long enough in this revelation of Love.
Now I hear Jesus' voice and command to go.
Go and do likewise.
Go and love as I have loved.
With my mind prepared and my heart filled...
In deep belief, trust and hope...I go!
Thanks be to God!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, You have done all that needs to be done to save this world. You have shown awesome glory! You are my God! You are my Savior! With mind and heart prepared. With the gifts of the Spirit. In trust and faith...I go! Go to love as You have commanded. ---Amen
Love's redeeming work is done, fought the fight, the battle won. Lo! The sun's eclipse is over. Lo! He sets in blood no more. ("Christ the Lord Is Risen Today!" - Text: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788, alt.)
Readings of the Day
Matthew 26.26-46-While they were eating, Jesus took a loaf of bread, and after blessing it he broke it, gave it to the disciples, and said, "Take, eat; this is my body."
Deuteronomy 1-2-"You have stayed long enough at the mountain, Resume your journey and go..."
Job 4-Can mortals be righteous before God?
1 Peter 1.13-16-Therefore prepare your minds for action; discipline yourselves; set all your hope on the grace that Jesus Christ will bring you when he is revealed.
God's Word of the Day
I have won the battle. You have seen My glory. Believe and as you have been prepared, go and serve in My Kingdom this day.
Psalm of the Day
I know now that I can only be righteous before You through Jesus.
Jesus is the righteous one who did all that needed to be done.
Only through Jesus can I be righteous before You.
I am not righteous before You on my on accord.
I have seen the glory of Jesus' death.
I have seen the victory of His resurrection.
"It is finished." Wonderful words of victory.
I believe!
I take in Jesus' body and blood.
I believe and let His body and blood unite in me.
I believe and He works in and through me.
I have stayed long enough in this revelation of Love.
Now I hear Jesus' voice and command to go.
Go and do likewise.
Go and love as I have loved.
With my mind prepared and my heart filled...
In deep belief, trust and hope...I go!
Thanks be to God!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, You have done all that needs to be done to save this world. You have shown awesome glory! You are my God! You are my Savior! With mind and heart prepared. With the gifts of the Spirit. In trust and faith...I go! Go to love as You have commanded. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:16 AM
Thursday, April 03, 2008
April 3rd Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Were Christ not arisen, then death were still our prison. Now, with him to life restored, we praise the Father of our Lord. Alleluia! ("Christ Is Arisen" - Text: German hymn, c. 1100; tr. Martin J. Seltz, 1909-1967)
Readings of the Day
Matthew 25.1-25-"Why do you trouble the woman? She has performed a good service for me. for you always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me. By pouring this ointment on my body she has prepared me for burial. Truly I tell you, wherever the good news is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in remembrance of her."
Numbers 35-36-These are the commandments and the ordinances that the LORD commanded through Moses to the Israelites in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho.
Job 3-Why were there knees to receive me, or breasts for me to suck?
1 Peter 1.8b-12-It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in regard to the things that have now been announced to you through those who brought you good news by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven--things into which angels long to look!
God's Word of the Day
I have a plan and a purpose for your life. That is why you were born. Believe in Me. Trust Me and follow Me. Fulfill the plan and purpose.
Psalm of the Day
Sometimes I wonder what life is all about.
Why was I even born?
What are You doing with me in life?
I see how Jesus, came to this earth.
He had a plan and purpose.
Then I ponder what He did.
I know that Jesus, didn't go to all this trouble for nothing.
I know that He came to save me.
In saving me, I am free to fulfill God's plan and purpose.
But what is that.
I seek God to show me the plan.
I seek God to walk with me.
Then I find that He has been there all the time.
I find that His plan is being fulfilled in me and through me all along the way.
I find that God has a unique plan and purpose designed just for me.
Lord, You provide the guidance.
You provide the steps.
I must trust and believe and follow You.
At what point did all this begin to take shape?
I'm not sure --- but You know.
Does it really matter when You began Your work of recreation in me?
I don't think so, but I give You all thanks and glory.
For it's not about my work, but about Your work in me.
Use me now and always in Your plan.
For I will believe, trust, hope, and follow You.
Thanks be to God!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I believe....I trust...I follow...Thanks be to God! ---Amen
Were Christ not arisen, then death were still our prison. Now, with him to life restored, we praise the Father of our Lord. Alleluia! ("Christ Is Arisen" - Text: German hymn, c. 1100; tr. Martin J. Seltz, 1909-1967)
Readings of the Day
Matthew 25.1-25-"Why do you trouble the woman? She has performed a good service for me. for you always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me. By pouring this ointment on my body she has prepared me for burial. Truly I tell you, wherever the good news is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in remembrance of her."
Numbers 35-36-These are the commandments and the ordinances that the LORD commanded through Moses to the Israelites in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho.
Job 3-Why were there knees to receive me, or breasts for me to suck?
1 Peter 1.8b-12-It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in regard to the things that have now been announced to you through those who brought you good news by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven--things into which angels long to look!
God's Word of the Day
I have a plan and a purpose for your life. That is why you were born. Believe in Me. Trust Me and follow Me. Fulfill the plan and purpose.
Psalm of the Day
Sometimes I wonder what life is all about.
Why was I even born?
What are You doing with me in life?
I see how Jesus, came to this earth.
He had a plan and purpose.
Then I ponder what He did.
I know that Jesus, didn't go to all this trouble for nothing.
I know that He came to save me.
In saving me, I am free to fulfill God's plan and purpose.
But what is that.
I seek God to show me the plan.
I seek God to walk with me.
Then I find that He has been there all the time.
I find that His plan is being fulfilled in me and through me all along the way.
I find that God has a unique plan and purpose designed just for me.
Lord, You provide the guidance.
You provide the steps.
I must trust and believe and follow You.
At what point did all this begin to take shape?
I'm not sure --- but You know.
Does it really matter when You began Your work of recreation in me?
I don't think so, but I give You all thanks and glory.
For it's not about my work, but about Your work in me.
Use me now and always in Your plan.
For I will believe, trust, hope, and follow You.
Thanks be to God!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I believe....I trust...I follow...Thanks be to God! ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:17 AM
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
April 2nd Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Christians to the paschal victim offer your thankful praises--- a lamb the sheep redeeming, Christ, who only is sinless, reconciling sinners to the Father. Death and life have contended in that combat stupendous; the prince of life, who died, reigns immortal. ("Christians, to the Paschal Victim" - Text: attr. Wipo of Burgundy, d.c. 1050; tr. composite)

Readings of the Day
Matthew 25.31-46-Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.
Numbers 32-34-You shall take possession of the land and settle in it, for I have given you the land to possess.
Job 2-They sat with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that his suffering was very great.
Matthew 12.38-42-For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so for three days and three nights the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth.
God's Word of the Day
You have seen My suffering. I spent time in the tomb. Now I have risen. Rejoice and take possession of the land.
Psalm of the Day
I have seen the suffering.
I have seen death.
I have seen You placed in the tomb.
We wait.
You arise and bring new life.
We rejoice and give You all praise.
We take possession of this new land.
We respond to Your Love.
We love others as You have loved us.
From suffering and death comes life and mission.
Thanks be to God!
Prayer of the Day
All honor and glory and power and praise to You. My risen Savior. Alleluia! ---Amen
Christians to the paschal victim offer your thankful praises--- a lamb the sheep redeeming, Christ, who only is sinless, reconciling sinners to the Father. Death and life have contended in that combat stupendous; the prince of life, who died, reigns immortal. ("Christians, to the Paschal Victim" - Text: attr. Wipo of Burgundy, d.c. 1050; tr. composite)

Readings of the Day
Matthew 25.31-46-Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.
Numbers 32-34-You shall take possession of the land and settle in it, for I have given you the land to possess.
Job 2-They sat with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that his suffering was very great.
Matthew 12.38-42-For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so for three days and three nights the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth.
God's Word of the Day
You have seen My suffering. I spent time in the tomb. Now I have risen. Rejoice and take possession of the land.
Psalm of the Day
I have seen the suffering.
I have seen death.
I have seen You placed in the tomb.
We wait.
You arise and bring new life.
We rejoice and give You all praise.
We take possession of this new land.
We respond to Your Love.
We love others as You have loved us.
From suffering and death comes life and mission.
Thanks be to God!
Prayer of the Day
All honor and glory and power and praise to You. My risen Savior. Alleluia! ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:15 AM
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
April 1st Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer
Hymn of the Day
Here the true Paschal Lamb we see, whom God so freely gave us, who died on the accursed tree--- so strong God's love!--- to save us. See, his blood now marks our door; faith points to it; death passes over and Satan cannot harm us. Hallelujah! ("Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands" - Text: martin Luther, 1483-1546; tr. composite)
Readings of the Day
Matthew 25.1-30-Keep awake therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.
Numbers 30-31-When a man makes a vow to the LORD, or swears an oath to bind himself by a pledge, he shall not break his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.
Job 1-"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there; the LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrongdoing.
Jonah 1.1-17-He said to them, "Pick me up and throw me into the sea; then the sea will quiet down for you; for I know it is because of me that this great storm has come upon you." ... But the LORD provided a large fish to swallow up Jonah; and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.
God's Word of the Day
I give and I take. I am always with you. With you in the blessings. With you in the struggles. I do no wrong. Trust Me and believe. I will save you.
Psalm of the Day
I run from You but You find me still.
I run and You rescue.
I can get into so many situations.
I have so many issues.
But You rescue me.
You cast me into the belly of the fish for three days.
Then You graciously give life.
You emerge with me from the tomb of that belly and grant life.
Your Word is true.
Your Word is salvation.
So now I will always look for You.
Looking to You as You look to me.
Looking and loving each other into eternity.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, You have emerged from the tomb alive. You have defeated death and sin. You have saved us. Bring us from our tomb of death to life in You. Lead us out in service to Your plan and purpose; today and to eternity. ---Amen
Here the true Paschal Lamb we see, whom God so freely gave us, who died on the accursed tree--- so strong God's love!--- to save us. See, his blood now marks our door; faith points to it; death passes over and Satan cannot harm us. Hallelujah! ("Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands" - Text: martin Luther, 1483-1546; tr. composite)
Readings of the Day
Matthew 25.1-30-Keep awake therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.
Numbers 30-31-When a man makes a vow to the LORD, or swears an oath to bind himself by a pledge, he shall not break his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.
Job 1-"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there; the LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrongdoing.
Jonah 1.1-17-He said to them, "Pick me up and throw me into the sea; then the sea will quiet down for you; for I know it is because of me that this great storm has come upon you." ... But the LORD provided a large fish to swallow up Jonah; and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.
God's Word of the Day
I give and I take. I am always with you. With you in the blessings. With you in the struggles. I do no wrong. Trust Me and believe. I will save you.
Psalm of the Day
I run from You but You find me still.
I run and You rescue.
I can get into so many situations.
I have so many issues.
But You rescue me.
You cast me into the belly of the fish for three days.
Then You graciously give life.
You emerge with me from the tomb of that belly and grant life.
Your Word is true.
Your Word is salvation.
So now I will always look for You.
Looking to You as You look to me.
Looking and loving each other into eternity.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, You have emerged from the tomb alive. You have defeated death and sin. You have saved us. Bring us from our tomb of death to life in You. Lead us out in service to Your plan and purpose; today and to eternity. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:42 AM
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