Wednesday, April 23, 2008

April 23rd Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer

Hymn of the Day
O risen Christ, ascended Lord, all praise to you let earth accord: Alleluia! Alleluia! You are, while endless ages run, with Father and with Spirit one. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! ("A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing!" - Text: Bede, 673-735; tr. Lutheran Book of Worship)

Readings of the Day
Acts on the road he had seen the Lord...
Joshua 5.2-6.27-"Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand is holy."
Job 23-...I have treasured in my bosom the words of his mouth.
John 8.31-38-"If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."

God's Word of the Day
You have seen my glory. You have seen Life. Now listen to Me. Hang in there, for you have been honored to be with Me. I walk with you and make the ground you trod holy. Rejoice and continue in My Word. It will set you free.

Psalm of the Day
Sometimes I begin to doubt life.
There is pain, there is healing, then there is nagging side effects.
I wonder why I have to go through all of this.
I know it must be something I've done.
Then I ponder all You went through.
I see how minute this stuff I endure really is.
I see Your Love so deep and wide.
I see my petty complaints.
Forgive me for being so selfish.
Forgive me for turning inward.
Teach me how to open up.
Open up Your Love in me to all the world.
Teach me how to pour myself out.
Place me on that road where I see You.
Put me next to You on holy ground.
Let Your treasured Word be at my core.
Send me with Your Truth each day.
Openly pouring out of me Your Love and Truth.

Prayer of the Day
Unfold me in my selfishness and pain. Open me up to let Your Love flow out into the world You send me this day. ---Amen

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