Saturday, February 26, 2005

February 26th Reflection

Saturday 2/26/2005
Matthew 6.19-34 - Keep my treasure in heaven - this world’s stuff doesn’t matter - let the light shine through my eyes - when the light is out - look out! -- don’t make earthly stuff my god- it can’t save me anyway- God will see after me - be like a child and depend completely on God
Exodus 35-36 - What strikes me here is the gifts God gave to many people -- how excited everyone was to use those gifts and build the temple -the curtain -and how God involved everyone -- how excited we can get to build and new addition for the assembly of God’s people - makes that all so special - in our own human ways we see concrete examples of gifts God has given come to life - same with music -- people work together in hiding (kind of) for some period of time then give the gift to God -- all nice ways to praise God and to love him
Proverbs 16 - We humans make plans, but the LORD has the final word- Share your plans with the LORD, and you will succeed - The LORD has a reason for everything he does - if we show God respect, we will keep away from sin - We make our won plans, but the LORD decides where we will go - gossip is not good!-it causes hard feelings between friends - We make our own decisions, but the LORD alone determines what happens
God’s greatest plans are still to come. I may not see the plan but I must respond to the call - take the risk and use the gifts God gives with a promise in my call to serve.
How will I respond to God’s awesome gift of salvation -- I will rejoice and join in the party!
I believe that I cannot by my own understanding or effort believe in Jesus Christ my Lord, or come to him. But the Holy Spirit has called me through the Gospel, enlightened me with his gifts, and sanctified and kept me in true faith.- Day after day he fully forgives my sins and on the last day he will raise me and give me eternal life - this is really really true!
Romans 5.1-11 - Boast in suffering - suffering produces endurance - endurance produces character- character produces hope - and hope won’t disappoint - because God’s love is poured into my heart through the Holy Spirit which has been given to me -- when I was weak - Jesus died for me - he loves me more than I can begin to fathom - I am proud to have received forgiveness from Jesus - you talk about Wild at Heart!!-- so now it’s time to go play wildly in God’s kingdom and love God‘s children out there like he loved me!
John 3.11-13 - if you can’t figure out the stuff here on earth - how do you expect to figure out the stuff in heaven? - believe - look around here on earth - God is all over the place and in many things - just look - believe in God -- then feel his spirit wash over you.
Psalm 41 - Wow! -- Do you see Judas here - vs. 9 - “Even my bosom friend in whom I trusted, who ate of my bread, has lifted the heel against me.�
Prayer - Jesus - you bring it into focus - Vision-Plan-Action -- keep my vision - my sights set on you - help me keep you in the center of my being - keep you in my heart - you invaded my heat years ago- help me to center on you in all I do - in all I say and in all my conversations and actions this day - Plan - Yea- I’ll make some plans - center yourself in all those plans and let me be really really really flexible when you decide to change those plans - cause the plans aren’t mine anyway they are yours - then actions - help me to center my actions to your glory - to serve you in your kingdom - to sing praises to you - to glorify you and to live in you and you in me. For I love to respond to your love in action - I love to love those you have sent into my life -- I’m ready - it’s time to break this huddle and go to the line - go ahead call out the play with you sweet cadence of life! --- Amen

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