Thursday, February 03, 2005

February 3rd Reflection

Thursday 2/3/2005
Luke 24.1-12 - Early Sunday the women with the spices went to the tomb - Jesus was not there- they saw a couple of men in white clothes -- they said- Jesus is alive - he isn’t with the dead- he told you he would rise to life - then they remembered what Jesus had said - so they ran back and told the disciples- but they didn’t believe them - but Peter ran to the tomb to see - it was true - Jesus was gone -- so he left wondering what had happened -- I need to listen to that voice of God - hear it and believe - or at least remember what he said and believe - or is the point - that if I go looking for Jesus - I won’t find him - but Jesus finds me - I think that’s true too - Jesus comes to me - I can’t do anything to come to him
Genesis 43 - So the brothers need to go back for more food- they take Benjamin and some gifts - meet Joseph- Joseph has a dinner prepared for them at his house - tbe brothers are wondering what is going on - Joseph cries at the site of his younger brother Benjamin -- the dreams of Joseph come true - his brothers bow down to him like the stalks of wheat
Psalm 34 - I will praise God with all my heart - “keep your eyes on the LORD! You will shine like the sun and never blush with shame.� -- sound familiar??
God has simply told us how to respond to his saving grace - do justice- love kindness- walk humbly with God
Walk in the crowds of death and life and see the gift of life in those who follow Jesus
Forgive those who repent
Psalm 2 - Don’t fool yourself - I can’t save myself - I am broken - but I am saved and loved by God and am special because Jesus gave his life for me - God is God - Don’t fool yourself
Hebrews 13.5-8 - God will take care of me - don’t make the love of anything else like money take priority over God- be content
Psalm 37 - Commit your way to God - trust him - wait on God - be still
Prayer- Jesus - I come to you today - and you’re not there where I thought you would be - you aren’t on the outside - you aren’t in the tomb of death where I thought you would be - but wait - I see you have come to me - to the door of my heart -to the tomb of me heart - to the tomb of life in you- you have invited me out to play with you - you have come to me - the door of my heart - my search for you was useless- I can’t come to you - but you come to me - you invite me - you forgive me because you come to me - I feel through your visit - forgiveness and life and salvation - let’s go out into the world and play!- you choose the game - I’ll play -- Amen

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