Monday, February 28, 2005

February 28th Reflection

Monday 2/28/2005

Matthew 8.1-13 - Jesus heals - it all kinds of ways - he heals disease - he heals lives - he heals me in so many ways all the time - he heals from the inside out - and with a little faith his healing is awesome!

Exodus 39-40 - More on the making of the vestments - the operations that were to take place -then the grand opening - it was an event - and God inhabited the tabernacle - with a cloud he was present - it had to be great- God was always with his people - and when and where God moved the people moved - so today -

God is with me - where he moves I must follow - lead me today!

Proverbs 18 - Don’t think only of myself - Desire to learn - being cheerful helps when we are sick - a true friend is closer than you own family

How will I respond to God’s awesome gift of salvation -- I will rejoice and join in the party!

Let me drink- let me bathe - let me feel that ever-flowing water from the Rock wash over me in Jesus love and forgiveness. Restore me and send me.

The kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever.

John 7.14-36 - Jesus taught - where did he get it? - Jesus education came from God - how nice that is - how God teaches me even today - just look-feel-listen-learn - God teaches every day - some lessons are tough ones - some are easy - but all turn out for good - even when at times it doesn’t seem very good - hang in there - the final answers are awesome and loving and forgiving and will free you to be happy and serve in his kingdom with joy - Jesus is from God - Jesus is God - real and here now - talk to him

Mark 10.42-45 - Serve others - just look at how Jesus served me - he gave his life a ransom for many and for me - how to serve!

Psalm 142 - With my voice I cry to God - Give heed to my cry for I am brought very low - Oh how he does give heed!

Prayer - Lord - you heal - you heal in so many ways - I turn to you and ask you to forgive me - for sins I know and confess to you and for sins I am unaware of and you forgive me - you refresh me with water from a Rock - you give me hope and joy and gifts which I don’t deserve then send me out to proclaim your glory - to let your light shine - to play in a wonderful world you set before me - I will be tempted - I will stumble and fall - I will sin - but when I return to you - you heal me all over again - you equip me and you send me - you fill the temple of my heart with your cloud - your fire - your presence - you fill my senses with your glory and build me back up - yea - you heal me from the inside out like only you can do - then you speak to me - you surprise my in prayer - in music and make yourself so real in life - you reveal yourself in nature - in friends - in life and in tears - you heal me -now I must go into the world you place me and serve in your kingdom - I must be with the people you place me with and witness your love to them - tell them of your glory and tell them of how you heal me and heal them -- it’s time to go now! -- Amen

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