Monday, January 16, 2006

January 16th People Reflection

Monday 1/16/2006

Luke 13.1-17-Let’s give it another year. I’ll dig around it and fertilize, and maybe it will produce next year

Genesis 23-I want to pay the price of the land

Psalm 16-Without you, nothing makes sense…I’m happy form the inside out

Psalm 18.1-6, 16-19-I love you, LORD God, and you make me strong.

Zechariah 2.10-12-The LORD has promised to come and live with you.

Psalm 87-All who sing or dance will say, "I too am from Zion."

"I can’t get all this make-up off my face."- Steph trying to get the mime make-up off of her face after a Youth Sunday service. Yea, I tend to cover up too. Especially in church sometimes. But God knows me. He knows all about me. I’m so glad he is willing to give me another year. To dig around my soul. To fertilize me with some manure. To make me smell the stench of sin and live in it. But I must produce fruit. I must live in the joy of the price he paid for the "land" of my life. If only I truly trust in this salvation. I feel the joy beaming through from the inside out. I feel and praise God with that deep love that in turn makes me strong. I am overjoyed that God has chosen to live with me. And I sing and dance for all he has done. "I can’t get all of this make-up off my face."- Thanks be to God he knows me and there is no longer need for make-up.

Prayer-Lord, you know me- forgive my sin and send me in joy to this world- to bear the fruit you would have me bear. -- Amen

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