Thursday, January 05, 2006

January 5th People Reflection

Thursday 1/5/2006

Luke 7.18-50-Go back and tell John what you have just seen and heard.

Genesis 11-This is the story of Terah.

Psalm 5-Every morning you’ll hear me at it again.

Genesis 1.1-5-The earth was barren, with no form of life…But the Spirit of God was moving over the water. God said, "I command light to shine!" And light started shining.

Luke 2.36-38-Night and day she served God in the temple by praying and often going without eating.

Psalm 98-Tell everyone on this earth to sing happy songs in praise of the LORD.

"I ate a piece of cheese. Then there it went!"—A friend at work- I had told him about using Fixadent to hold a temporary cap in place after it has fallen out. He went to the store and bought the Fixadent. Then just before using it he ate a piece of cheese and his temporary cap too! – So – here is someone telling a story of a life event- just what Jesus told John’s disciples to do also- go back and tell the story- see how I am healing, forgiving and loving people- tell John the story of what you have just seen and heard. I must do the same- I see and hear Jesus every day in my life- I must go back and tell- I come to God each morning- Every morning He will hear me at it again. But I also must at this time see and hear God- then go back and tell—think of all the stories in the Bible- This is the story of Terah- father of Abram- the beginning of a wonderful story of a people- and that story continues today through me- I am an adopted child of the family of Abram—who knows for sure- maybe I’m a direct descendant??—and then even further back than that- when the world was barren- God sent light- Light- Word- Flesh- Jesus- a story – a wonderful story of life- God created life and sustains it every day with his loving care and grace- and how do I respond?—Look at Anna- waiting to see the Light- the Flesh- the Word- night and day serving God- praying- and finally telling everyone on this earth to sing happy songs in praise of the Light- the Flesh- the Word- in joy and love. "I ate a piece of cheese. Then there it went!" – What a story I have to tell!

Prayer- Lord, thank you for such a wonderful loving story to tell- I’ll go back right now and tell the others! Thanks be to God! -- Amen

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