Wednesday, January 18, 2006

January 18th People Reflection

Wednesday 1/18/2006

Luke 14.1-24-How fortunate the one who gets to eat dinner in God’s kingdom!

Genesis 25-Isaac prayed hard to God for his wife because she was barren.

Psalm 18-I love you GOD—you make me strong

Matthew 16.13-19-You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.

Luke 9.18-20-You are the Messiah sent from God.

Psalm 89.1-4, 14-26-You are my Father and my God, as well as the mighty rock where I am safe.

"Customer needs assistance at the water heaters." – I pushed this button at Lowes and a voice came over the intercom system. Man was she relentless. The voice didn’t stop until someone came. But they couldn’t help me when a real person arrived anyway. But I know that when Jesus arrived I was helped. He is the Messiah- the Son of the living God- sent from God. Not some synthesized computer voice over an intercom. Jesus sent to me and is with me in all my troubles and life situations. Even cooooolllld water! Jesus, my rock where I am safe. Jesus –I can pray to real real hard just like Isaac did and God will answer. I love you Jesus- you make me strong because of your real assistance. "Customer needs assistance at the water heaters." – Thanks be to God that he sent his Son to deliver me from myself.

Prayer-Lord, you gave me an example of assistance- help me this day to show your love to others in assistance. -- Amen

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